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The Indian National Flag

The Indian National Flag
                 The national flag of India is tricolor with three equal horizontal stripes – saffron on top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom in equal proportion. Saffron stands for courage, sacrifice and renunciation. White stands for truth and purity. Truth in words and actions, and purity in thoughts. Green is symbol of life, abundance and prosperity. A chakra(wheel), dark blue in colour and having 24 spokes is superimposed on the middle white stripe. Chakra(wheel) is the symbol of progress and of movement. This emblem in the flag is the exact reproduction of the dharma chakra on the capitol of Ashoka’s pillar at saranath.
                 The ratio of the width to length of the flag is two to three. The national flag of India was adopted by the constituent assembly on 22 July 1947 and it was presented to the nation on behalf of the women of India at the midnight session of the assembly on 14 August 1947.