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EE6502      MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS                  L T P C 3 0 0 3

•    To study the Architecture of uP8085 & uC 8051
•    To study the addressing modes & instruction set of 8085 & 8051.
•    To introduce the need & use of Interrupt structure 8085 & 8051.
•    To develop skill in simple applications development with programming 8085 & 8051
•    To introduce commonly used peripheral / interfacing

UNIT I              8085 PROCESSOR                                                                                                      9

Hardware Architecture, pinouts – Functional Building Blocks of Processor – Memory organization – I/O ports and data transfer concepts– Timing Diagram – Interrupts.

UNIT II            PROGRAMMING OF 8085 PROCESSOR                                                                  9

Instruction -format and addressing modes – Assembly language format – Data transfer, data manipulation& control instructions – Programming: Loop structure with counting & Indexing – Look up table - Subroutine instructions - stack.

UNIT III           8051 MICRO CONTROLLER                                                                                     9

Hardware Architecture, pintouts – Functional Building Blocks of Processor – Memory organization – I/O ports and data transfer concepts– Timing Diagram –  Interrupts-Comparison to Programming concepts with 8085.

UNIT IV          PERIPHERAL INTERFACING                                                                                   9

Study on need, Architecture, configuration and interfacing, with ICs: 8255 , 8259 , 8254,8237,8251,
8279 ,- A/D and D/A converters &Interfacing with 8085& 8051.

UNIT V            MICRO CONTROLLER PROGRAMMING & APPLICATIONS                            9

Data Transfer, Manipulation, Control Algorithms& I/O instructions – Simple programming exercises- key board and display interface  – Closed loop control of  servo  motor- stepper motor control – Washing  Machine Control.


•    Ability to understand and analyse, linear and digital electronic  circuits.


•    To understand and apply computing platform and software for engineering problems.


1.  Krishna Kant, “Microprocessor and Microcontrollers”, Eastern Company Edition, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi , 2007.
2.  R.S. Gaonkar, ‘Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Application’, with 8085, Wiley
Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 2013.
3.  Soumitra Kumar Mandal, Microprocessor & Microcontroller Architecture, Programming & Interfacing using 8085,8086,8051,McGraw Hill Edu,2013.


1.   Muhammad Ali Mazidi & Janice Gilli Mazidi, R.D.Kinely ‘The 8051 Micro Controller and
Embedded Systems’, PHI Pearson Education, 5th Indian reprint, 2003.
2.   N.Senthil Kumar, M.Saravanan, S.Jeevananthan, ‘Microprocessors and Microcontrollers’, Oxford,2013.
3.   Valder – Perez, “Microcontroller – Fundamentals and Applications with Pic,” Yeesdee
Publishers, Tayler & Francis, 2013.

EE6501 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6501         POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS                      L T P C 3 0 0 3
•   To model the power system under steady state operating condition.
•   To apply numerical methods to solve the power flow problem.
•   To model and analyze the system under faulted conditions.
•   To model and analyze the transient behaviour of power system when it is subjected to
•   a fault.

UNIT I              INTRODUCTION                                                                                                        9
Need for system planning and operational studies – basic components of a power system.-Introduction to restructuring - Single line diagram – per phase and per unit analysis – Generator - transformer – transmission line and load representation for different power system studies.- Primitive network - construction of Y-bus using inspection and singular transformation methods – z-bus.

UNIT II            POWER FLOW ANALYSIS                                                                                      9
Importance of power flow analysis in planning and operation of power systems - statement of power flow problem - classification of buses - development of power flow model in complex variables form - iterative solution using Gauss-Seidel method - Q-limit check for voltage controlled buses – power flow model in polar form - iterative solution using Newton-Raphson method .

UNIT III           FAULT ANALYSIS – BALANCED FAULTS                                                            9
Importance of short circuit analysis - assumptions in fault analysis - analysis using Thevenin’s theorem- Z-bus building algorithm - fault analysis using Z-bus – computations of short circuit capacity, post
fault voltage and currents.

UNIT IV          FAULT ANALYSIS – UNBALANCED FAULTS                                                      9
Introduction to symmetrical components – sequence impedances – sequence circuits of synchronous machine, transformer and transmission lines - sequence networks analysis of single line to ground, line to line and double line to ground faults using Thevenin’s theorem and Z-bus matrix.

UNIT V           STABILITY ANALYSIS                                                                                              9
Importance of stability analysis in power system planning and operation - classification of power system  stability  -  angle  and  voltage  stability  –  Single  Machine  Infinite  Bus  (SMIB)  system: Development of swing equation - equal area criterion - determination of critical clearing angle and time– solution of swing equation by modified Euler method and Runge-Kutta fourth order method.



•    Ability to understand and analyze power system operation, stability, control and protection.

1.  Nagrath I.J. and Kothari D.P., ‘Modern Power System Analysis’, Tata McGraw-Hill, Fourth Edition,
2.  John J. Grainger and W.D. Stevenson Jr., ‘Power System Analysis’, Tata McGraw-Hill, Sixth reprint, 2010.
3.  P. Venkatesh, B.V. Manikandan, S. Charles Raja, A. Srinivasan, ‘ Electrical Power Systems- Analysis, Security and Deregulation’, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2012.

1.  Hadi Saadat, ‘Power System Analysis’, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 21st reprint, 2010.

2.  Kundur P., ‘Power System Stability and Control, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
10th reprint, 2010.
3.  Pai M A, ‘Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis’, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, Second Edition, 2007.
4.  J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Thomas J. Overbye, ‘ Power System Analysis & Design’, Cengage Learning, Fifth Edition, 2012.
5.  Olle. I. Elgerd, ‘Electric Energy Systems Theory – An Introduction’, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2012.
6.  C.A.Gross, “Power System Analysis,” Wiley India, 2011.

EE6411 ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORY – I-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6411         ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORY – I           L T P C 0 0 3 2
To expose the students to the operation of D.C. machines and transformers and give them experimental skill.


1. Open circuit and load characteristics of  DC shunt generator- critical resistance and critical speed.
2. Load characteristics of DC compound generator with differential and cumulative
3. Load test on DC shunt and compound motor.
4. Load test on DC series motor.
5. Swinburne’s test and speed control of DC shunt motor.
6.  Hopkinson’s test on DC motor – generator set.
7. Load test on single-phase transformer and three phase transformers.
8. Open circuit and short circuit tests on single phase transformer.
9. Polarity Test and Sumpner’s test on single phase  transformers.
10.Separation of no-load losses in single phase transformer.
11.Study of starters and 3-phase transformers connections


•     To get a clear understanding of object-oriented concepts.
•     To understand object oriented programming through C++ & JAVA.

1. program using functions
•    functions with default arguments
•    implementation of call by value, address, reference
2. simple classes for understanding objects, member functions & constructors
•    classes with primitive data members,
•    classes with arrays as data members
•    classes with pointers as data members
•    classes with constant data members
•    classes with static member functions
3. compile time polymorphism
•    operator overloading

•    function overloading
4. run time polymorphism
•    inheritance
•    virtual functions
•    virtual base classes
•    templates
5. file handling
•    sequential access
•    random access

6. simple java applications
•    for understanding references to an instant of a class
•    handling strings in JAVA
7. simple package creation
•    developing user defined packages in java
8. interfaces
•    developing user defined interfaces
•    use predefined interfaces
9. threading
•    creation of threading in java applications
•    multi threading
10. exception handling mechanism in java
•    handling predefined exceptions
•    handling user defined exceptions

EE6404 MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

 EE6404         MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION                       L T  P C 3 0  0 3
•    To introduce the basic functional elements of instrumentation
•    To introduce the fundamentals of electrical and electronic instruments
•    To educate on the comparison between various measurement techniques
•    To introduce various storage and display devices
•    To introduce various transducers and the data acquisition systems

UNIT I           INTRODUCTION                                                                                                           9
Functional elements of an instrument – Static and dynamic characteristics – Errors in measurement – Statistical evaluation of measurement data – Standards and calibration.

UNIT II          ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENTS                                             9
Principle and types of analog and digital voltmeters, ammeters, multimeters – Single and three phase wattmeters and energy meters – Magnetic measurements – Determination of B-H curve and measurements of iron loss – Instrument transformers – Instruments for measurement of frequency and phase.

UNIT III         COMPARISON METHODS OF MEASUREMENTS                                                  9
D.C & A.C potentiometers, D.C & A.C bridges, transformer ratio bridges, self-balancing bridges. Interference & screening – Multiple earth and earth loops - Electrostatic and electromagnetic interference – Grounding techniques.

UNIT IV        STORAGE AND DISPLAY DEVICES                                                                         9
Magnetic disk and tape – Recorders, digital plotters and printers, CRT display, digital CRO, LED, LCD
& dot matrix display – Data Loggers.

UNIT V         TRANSDUCERS AND DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS                                         9
Classification  of  transducers  –  Selection  of  transducers  –  Resistive,  capacitive  &  inductive transducers – Piezoelectric, Hall effect, optical and digital transducers – Elements of data acquisition system – A/D, D/A converters – Smart sensors.

•    Ability to model and analyze electrical apparatus and their application to power system

1.  A.K. Sawhney, ‘A Course in Electrical & Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation’, Dhanpat Rai and Co, 2004.
2.  J. B. Gupta, ‘A Course in Electronic and Electrical Measurements’, S. K. Kataria & Sons, Delhi,
3.  Doebelin E.O. and Manik D.N., Measurement Systems – Applications and Design, Special Indian
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2007.

1.  H.S. Kalsi, ‘Electronic Instrumentation’, Tata McGraw Hill, II Edition 2004.
2.  D.V.S. Moorthy, ‘Transducers and Instrumentation’, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 2007.
3.  A.J. Bouwens, ‘Digital Instrumentation’, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.
4.  Martin Reissland, ‘Electrical Measurements’, New Age International (P) Ltd., Delhi, 2001.
5.  Alan. S. Morris, Principles of Measurements and Instrumentation, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.



•    To classify signals and systems & their mathematical representation.
•    To analyse the discrete time systems.
•    To study various transformation techniques & their computation.
•    To study about filters and their design for digital implementation.
•    To study about a programmable digital signal processor & quantization effects.

UNIT I              INTRODUCTION                                                                                                        9

Classification of systems: Continuous, discrete, linear, causal, stable, dynamic, recursive, time variance; classification of signals: continuous and discrete, energy and power; mathematical representation of  signals; spectral density;  sampling  techniques, quantization, quantization  error, Nyquist rate, aliasing effect.

UNIT II            DISCRETE TIME SYSTEM ANALYSIS                                                                  9

Z-transform and its properties, inverse z-transforms; difference equation – Solution by z- transform,application to discrete systems - Stability analysis, frequency response – Convolution – Discrete TimeFourier transform , magnitude and phase representation.

UNIT III           DISCRETE FOURIER TRANSFORM & COMPUTATION                                     9

Discrete Fourier Transform- properties, magnitude and phase representation - Computation of DFT
using FFT algorithm – DIT &DIF  using radix 2 FFT – Butterfly structure.

UNIT IV          DESIGN OF DIGITAL FILTERS                                                                              9

FIR & IIR filter realization – Parallel & cascade forms. FIR design: Windowing Techniques – Need and choice of windows – Linear phase characteristics. Analog filter design – Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations; IIR Filters, digital design using impulse invariant and bilinear transformation - mWarping, pre warping.

UNIT V           DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS                                                                           9

Introduction – Architecture – Features – Addressing Formats – Functional modes - Introduction to
Commercial DSProcessors.



Ability to understand and apply basic science, circuit theory, Electro-magnetic field theory control theory and apply them to electrical engineering problems.


1.   J.G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis, ‘Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications’, Pearson Education, New Delhi, PHI. 2003.
2.    S.K. Mitra, ‘Digital Signal Processing – A Computer Based Approach’,  McGraw
Hill Edu, 2013.
3.   Robert Schilling & Sandra L.Harris, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing using Matlab”, Cengage Learning,2014.


1.   Poorna Chandra S, Sasikala. B ,Digital Signal Processing, Vijay Nicole/TMH,2013.
2.   B.P.Lathi, ‘Principles of Signal Processing and Linear Systems’, Oxford University Press, 2010
3.   Taan S. ElAli, ‘Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with Mat Lab’, CRC Press, 2009.
4.   Sen M.kuo, woonseng…s.gan, “Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Implementations & Applications, Pearson,2013
5.   Dimitris G.Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, applied Digital Signal Processing,Cambridge,2012
6.   Lonnie C.Ludeman ,”Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing”,Wiley,2013

EE6402 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6402         TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION                                LT P C 3 0 0 3

•    To develop expressions for the computation of transmission line parameters.
•    To obtain the equivalent circuits for the transmission lines based on distance and operating
voltage for determining voltage regulation and efficiency. Also to improve the voltage profile of the transmission system.
To analyses the voltage distribution in insulator strings and cables and methods to improve the same.
•    To understand the operation of the different distribution schemes.

UNIT I             STRUCTURE OF POWER SYSTEM                                                                               9
Structure of electric power system: generation, transmission and distribution; Types of AC and DC distributors – distributed and concentrated loads – interconnection – EHVAC and HVDC transmission - Introduction to FACTS.

UNIT II            TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS                                                                          9
Parameters of single and three phase transmission lines with single and double circuits - Resistance, inductance and capacitance of solid, stranded and bundled conductors, Symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing and transposition - application of self and mutual GMD; skin and proximity effects - interference with neighboring communication circuits - Typical configurations, conductor types and electrical parameters of EHV lines, corona discharges.

UNIT III           MODELLING AND PERFORMANCE OF TRANSMISSION LINES                               9
Classification of lines - short line, medium line and long line - equivalent circuits, phasor diagram, attenuation  constant,  phase  constant,  surge  impedance;  transmission  efficiency  and  voltage regulation, real and reactive power flow in lines, Power - circle diagrams, surge impedance loading, methods of voltage control; Ferranti effect.

UNIT IV           INSULATORS AND CABLES                                                                                        9
Insulators - Types, voltage distribution in insulator string, improvement of string efficiency, testing of insulators. Underground cables - Types of cables, Capacitance of  Single-core  cable, Grading of cables, Power factor and heating of cables, Capacitance of 3- core belted cable, D.C cables.

UNIT V           MECHANICAL DESIGN OF LINES AND GROUNDING                                                 9
Mechanical design of transmission line – sag and tension calculations for different weather conditions, Tower spotting, Types of towers, Substation Layout (AIS, GIS), Methods of grounding.



•    Ability to understand and analyze power system operation, stability, control and protection.

1.  D.P.Kothari , I.J. Nagarath, ‘Power System Engineering’, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company limited, New Delhi, Second   Edition, 2008.
2.  C.L.Wadhwa, ‘Electrical Power Systems’, New Academic Science Ltd, 2009.
3.  S.N. Singh, ‘Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution’, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2011.

1.   B.R.Gupta, , S.Chand,  ‘Power System Analysis and Design’New Delhi, Fifth Edition, 2008.
2.   Luces M.Fualken berry ,Walter Coffer, ‘Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission’, Pearson
Education, 2007.
3.   Hadi Saadat, ‘Power System Analysis,’ PSA Publishing; Third Edition, 2010.
4.   J.Brian, Hardy and Colin R.Bayliss ‘Transmission and Distribution in Electrical Engineering’, Newnes; Fourth Edition, 2012.
5.   G.Ramamurthy, “Handbook of Electrical power Distribution,” Universities Press, 2013.

CS6456 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

CS6456    OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING                           L T  P C 3 0  0 3
•     To get a clear understanding of object-oriented concepts.
•     To understand object oriented programming through C++.

UNIT I             OVERVIEW                                                                                                                  9
Why Object-Oriented Programming in C++ - Native Types and Statements –Functions and Pointers- Implementing ADTs in the Base Language.

UNIT II            BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF OOP                                                                       9
Data  Hiding  and   Member  Functions-  Object  Creation  and  Destruction-  Polymorphism  data abstraction: Iterators and Containers.

UNIT III            ADVANCED PROGRAMMING                                                                                9
Templates, Generic Programming, and STL-Inheritance-Exceptions-OOP Using C++.

UNIT IV           OVERVIEW OF JAVA                                                                                               9
Data  types,  variables  and  arrays,  operators,  control  statements,  classes,  objects,  methods  – Inheritance

UNIT V           EXCEPTION HANDLING                                                                                           9
Packages and Interfaces, Exception handling, Multithreaded programming, Strings, Input/Output

• Gain the basic knowledge on Object Oriented concepts.
• Ability to develop applications using Object Oriented Programming Concepts.


• Ability to implement features of object oriented programming to solve real world problems.

1.  Ira Pohl, “Object-Oriented Programming Using C++”, Pearson Education Asia, 2003.
2.  H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel, "Java : how to program", Fifth edition, Prentice Hall of India private limited,

1.  Herbert Schildt, "The Java 2: Complete Reference", Fourth edition, TMH, 2002
2. Bjarne Stroustrup, “The C++ Programming Language”, Pearson Education, 2004.
3. Stanley B. Lippman and Josee Lajoie , “C++ Primer”, Pearson Education, 2003.
4. K.R.Venugopal, Rajkumar Buyya, T.Ravishankar, "Mastering C++", TMH, 2003.

EE6401 ELECTRICAL MACHINES – I -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6401            ELECTRICAL MACHINES – I                                   L T P C 3 1 0 4
•    To introduce techniques of magnetic-circuit analysis and introduce magnetic materials
To familiarize the constructional details, the principle of operation, prediction of performance, the methods of testing the transformers and three phase transformer connections.
To study the working principles of electrical machines using the concepts of electromechanical energy conversion principles and derive expressions for generated voltage and torque developed
in all Electrical Machines.
To study the working principles of DC machines as Generator types, determination of their no- load/load characteristics, starting and methods of speed control of motors.
To estimate the various losses taking place in D.C. Motor and to study the different testing methods to arrive at their performance.

UNIT I      MAGNETIC CIRCUITS AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS                                                      9
Magnetic circuits –Laws governing magnetic circuits - Flux linkage, Inductance and energy – Statically and Dynamically induced EMF - Torque – Properties of magnetic materials, Hysterisis and Eddy Current losses - AC excitation, introduction to permanent magnets-Transformer as a magnetically coupled circuit.

UNIT II     TRANSFORMERS                                                                                                                 9
Construction – principle of operation – equivalent circuit parameters – phasor diagrams, losses – testing – efficiency and voltage regulation-all day efficiency-Sumpner’s test, per unit representation – inrush current -  three phase transformers-connections – Scott Connection – Phasing of transformer– parallel operation of three phase transformers-auto transformer – tap changing transformers- tertiary winding.

ROTATING MACHINES                                                                                                      9
Energy in magnetic system –  Field energy and coenergy-force and torque equations – singly and multiply excited magnetic field systems-mmf of distributed windings – Winding Inductances-, magnetic fields in rotating machines – rotating mmf waves – magnetic saturation and leakage fluxes.

UNIT IV     DC GENERATORS                                                                                                              9
Construction and components of DC Machine – Principle of operation - Lap and wave windings-EMF equations– circuit model – armature reaction –methods of excitation-commutation and interpoles - compensating winding –characteristics of DC generators.

UNIT V        DC MOTORS                                                                                                                      9
Principle and operations - types of DC Motors – Speed Torque Characteristics of DC Motors-starting and speed control of DC motors –Plugging, dynamic and regenerative braking- testing and efficiency
– Retardation test- Swinburne’s test and Hopkinson’s test - Permanent magnet dc motors(PMDC)-DC Motor applications.


TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS

•    Ability to model and analyze electrical apparatus and their application to power system

1.  Nagrath I. J and Kothari D. P. ‘Electric Machines’, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd, 2010.
2.  M.N.Bandyopadhyay, Electrical Machines Theory and Practice, PHI Learning PVT LTD., New
Delhi, 2009.
3.  Fitzgerald. A.E., Charles Kingsely Jr, Stephen D.Umans, ‘Electric Machinery’, Sixth edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Books Company, 2003.

1.  P. C. Sen., ‘Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics’, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
2.  Syed  A.  Nasar,  Electric  Machines  and  Power  Systems:  Volume  I,  Mcgraw-Hill  College; International  Edition, January 1995.
3.  Deshpande M. V., “Electrical Machines” PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
4.  P.S. Bimbhra, ‘Electrical Machinery’, Khanna Publishers, 2003.
5.  S.Sarma & K.Pathak  “Electric Machines”, Cengage Learning India (P) Ltd., Delhi, 2011.


                                                                                                                                             0 0 3 2

Working Practice in simulators / CAD Tools / Experiment test bench to learn design, testing and characterizing of circuit behaviour with digital and analog ICs.


1.  Implementation of Boolean Functions, Adder/ Subtractor circuits.

2.  Code converters: Excess-3 to BCD and Binary to Gray code converter and vice-versa

3. Parity generator and parity checking

4. Encoders and Decoders

5. Counters: Design and implementation of 4-bit modulo counters as synchronous and

Asynchronous types using FF IC’s and specific counter IC.

6. Shift Registers: Design and implementation of 4-bit shift registers in SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO modes using suitable IC’s.
7. Study of multiplexer and demultiplexer

8   Timer IC application: Study of NE/SE 555 timer in Astable, Monostable operation.

9. Application of Op-Amp: inverting and non-inverting amplifier, Adder, comparator, Integrator and Differentiator.
10. Study of VCO and PLL ICs:
i. Voltage to frequency characteristics of NE/ SE 566 IC. ii. Frequency multiplication using NE/SE 565 PLL IC.

EC6361 ELECTRONICS LABORATORY -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EC6361                                             ELECTRONICS LABORATORY                      L T P C 0 0 3 2
To enable the students to understand the behavior of semiconductor device based on experimentation


1.        Characteristics of Semi conductor diode and Zener diode
2.        Characteristics of  a NPN Transistor under common emitter , common collector and common base configurations
3.        Characteristics of JFET(Draw the equivalent circuit)
4.        Characteristics of UJT and generation of saw tooth waveforms
5.        Design and Frequency response characteristics of a Common Emitter amplifier
7.        Characteristics of photo diode & photo transistor, Study of light activated relay circuit
8.        Design and testing of RC phase shift, LC oscillators
9.        Single Phase half-wave and full wave rectifiers with inductive and capacitive filters
10.      Differential amplifiers using FET
11.      Study of CRO for frequency and phase measurements
12.      Astable and Monostable multivibrators
13.      Realization of passive filters



•    To study the IC fabrication procedure.
•    To study characteristics; realize circuits; design for signal analysis using Op-amp ICs.
•    To study the applications of Op-amp.
•    To study internal functional blocks and the applications of special ICs like Timers, PLL
•    circuits, regulator Circuits, ADCs.

UNIT I        IC FABRICATION                                                                                                             9

IC classification, fundamental of monolithic IC technology, epitaxial growth, masking and etching, diffusion  of  impurities.  Realisation  of  monolithic  ICs  and  packaging.  Fabrication  of  diodes, capacitance, resistance and FETs.

UNIT II      CHARACTERISTICS OF OPAMP                                                                                   9

Ideal OP-AMP characteristics, DC characteristics, AC characteristics,, differential amplifier; frequency response of  OP-AMP; Basic applications of op-amp – Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifiers-V/I & I/V converters ,summer, differentiator and integrator.

UNIT III     APPLICATIONS OF OPAMP                                                                                           9

Instrumentation amplifier,   Log and Antilog Amplifiers, first and second order active filters, , comparators, multivibrators, waveform generators, clippers, clampers, peak detector, S/H circuit, D/A converter (R- 2R ladder and weighted resistor types), A/D converters using opamps.

UNIT IV     SPECIAL ICs                                                                                                                   9

Functional block, characteristics & application circuits with 555 Timer Ic-566 voltage controlled oscillator Ic; 565-phase lock loop Ic ,Analog multiplier ICs.

UNIT V      APPLICATION ICs                                                                                                           9

IC voltage regulators –LM78XX,79XX Fixed voltage regulators - LM317, 723 Variable voltage regulators, switching regulator- SMPS- LM 380 power amplifier-  ICL 8038 function generator IC.


•     Ability to understand and analyse, linear and digital electronic  circuits.

1.   David A.Bell, ‘Op-amp & Linear ICs’, Oxford, 2013.
2.   D.Roy Choudhary, Sheil B.Jani, ‘Linear Integrated Circuits’, II edition, New Age, 2003.
3.   Ramakant A.Gayakward, ‘Op-amps and Linear Integrated Circuits’, IV edition, Pearson
Education, 2003 / PHI. 2000.

1.  Fiore,”Opamps & Linear Integrated Circuits Concepts & Applications”,Cengage,2010.
2.  Floyd ,Buchla,”Fundamentals of Analog Circuits, Pearson, 2013.
3.  Jacob Millman, Christos C.Halkias, ‘Integrated Electronics - Analog and Digital circuits system’,Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
4.  Robert F.Coughlin, Fredrick F. Driscoll, ‘Op-amp and Linear ICs’, PHI Learning, 6th edition,2012.


EC6202 ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EC6202            ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS                L T  P  C 3 1  0 4
The student should be made to:
•    Be familiar with the structure of basic electronic devices.
•    Be exposed to the operation and applications of electronic devices.

UNIT I             PN JUNCTION DEVICES                                                                                          9
PN junction diode –structure, operation and V-I characteristics, diffusion and transient capacitance - Rectifiers – Half Wave and Full Wave Rectifier,– Display devices- LED, Laser diodes- Zener diode- characteristics-Zener Reverse characteristics – Zener as regulator

UNIT II            TRANSISTORS                                                                                                          9
BJT, JFET, MOSFET- structure, operation, characteristics and Biasing UJT, Thyristor and IGBT - Structure and characteristics.

UNIT III           AMPLIFIERS                                                                                                            9
BJT small signal model   –   Analysis of CE, CB, CC amplifiers- Gain and   frequency response – MOSFET small signal model– Analysis of CS and Source follower – Gain and frequency response- High frequency analysis.

BIMOS cascade amplifier, Differential amplifier – Common mode and Difference mode analysis – FET input stages – Single tuned amplifiers – Gain and frequency response – Neutralization methods, power amplifiers –Types (Qualitative analysis).

UNIT V           FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS AND OSCILLATORS                                                    9
Advantages of negative feedback  – voltage / current, series , Shunt feedback  –positive feedback  – Condition for oscillations, phase shift – Wien bridge, Hartley, Colpitts and Crystal oscillators.
•   To explain the structure of the basic electronic devices.
•   To design applications using the basic electronic devices.

1.  David A. Bell ,”Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
2. Sedra and smith, “Microelectronic Circuits “ Oxford University Press, 2004.

1.  Rashid, “Micro Electronic Circuits” Thomson publications, 1999.
2.  Floyd, “Electron Devices” Pearson Asia 5th Edition, 2001.
3.  Donald A Neamen, “Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design” Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2003.
4.  Robert L.Boylestad, “Electronic Devices and Circuit theory”, 2002.
5.  Robert B. Northrop, “Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical
Instrumentation”, CRC Press, 2004.

EE6302 ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6302                                      ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY                     L T P C 3 1 0 4

•      To introduce the basic mathematical concepts related to electromagnetic vector fields
To impart knowledge on the concepts of  electrostatics, electrical potential, energy density and their applications.
To impart knowledge on the concepts of magnetostatics, magnetic flux density, scalar and vector potential and its applications.
•      To impart knowledge on the concepts of Faraday’s law, induced emf and Maxwell’s equations
•      To impart knowledge on the concepts of Concepts of electromagnetic waves and Pointing vector.

UNIT I             ELECTROSTATICS – I                                                                                              9
Sources and  effects of  electromagnetic fields –  Coordinate  Systems –  Vector fields  –Gradient, Divergence, Curl – theorems and applications - Coulomb’s Law – Electric field intensity – Field due to discrete and continuous charges – Gauss’s law and applications.

UNIT II             ELECTROSTATICS – II                                                                                             9
Electric potential – Electric field and equipotential plots, Uniform and Non-Uniform field, Utilization factor  –  Electric  field  in free  space,  conductors,  dielectrics  -  Dielectric  polarization  -  Dielectric strength  -  Electric  field  in  multiple  dielectrics  –  Boundary  conditions,  Poisson’s  and  Laplace’s equations, Capacitance, Energy density, Applications.

UNIT III            MAGNETOSTATICS                                                                                                 9
Lorentz force, magnetic field intensity (H) – Biot–Savart’s Law - Ampere’s Circuit Law – H due to straight conductors, circular loop, infinite sheet of current, Magnetic flux density (B) – B in free space, conductor, magnetic materials – Magnetization, Magnetic field in multiple media – Boundary conditions, scalar and vector potential, Poisson’s Equation, Magnetic force, Torque, Inductance, Energy density, Applications.

UNIT IV           ELECTRODYNAMIC FIELDS                                                                                   9
Magnetic  Circuits  -  Faraday’s  law  –  Transformer  and  motional  EMF  –  Displacement  current  - Maxwell’s equations (differential and integral form) – Relation between field theory and circuit theory – Applications.

UNIT V           ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES                                                                                  9
Electromagnetic wave generation and equations – Wave parameters; velocity, intrinsic impedance, propagation constant – Waves in free space, lossy and lossless dielectrics, conductors- skin depth - Poynting vector – Plane wave reflection and refraction – Standing Wave – Applications.


TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS

Ability to understand and apply basic science, circuit theory, Electro-magnetic field theory control theory and apply them to electrical engineering problems.

1.    Mathew N. O. Sadiku, ‘Principles of Electromagnetics’, 4 th Edition ,Oxford University Press Inc.
First India edition, 2009.
2.    Ashutosh Pramanik, ‘Electromagnetism – Theory and Applications’, PHI Learning Private
Limited, New Delhi, Second Edition-2009.
3.    K.A. Gangadhar, P.M. Ramanthan ‘ Electromagnetic Field Theory (including Antennaes and wave propagation’, 16th Edition, Khanna Publications, 2007.

1.    Joseph. A.Edminister, ‘Schaum’s Outline of Electromagnetics, Third Edition (Schaum’s Outline
Series), Tata McGraw Hill, 2010
2.    William H. Hayt and John A. Buck, ‘Engineering Electromagnetics’, Tata McGraw Hill 8th
Revised edition, 2011.
3.    Kraus and Fleish, ‘Electromagnetics with Applications’, McGraw Hill International Editions, Fifth
Edition, 2010.
4.    Bhag Singh Guru and Hüseyin R. Hiziroglu “Electromagnetic field theory Fundamentals”, Cambridge University Press; Second Revised Edition, 2009.

EE6301 DIGITAL LOGIC CIRCUITS-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6301                  DIGITAL LOGIC CIRCUITS                                                 LT P C 3 1 0 4

•    To study various number systems , simplify the logical expressions using Boolean functions
•    To study implementation of combinational circuits
•    To design various synchronous and asynchronous circuits.
•    To introduce asynchronous sequential circuits and PLCs
•    To introduce digital simulation for development of application oriented logic circuits.

UNIT I             NUMBER SYSTEMS AND  DIGITAL LOGIC FAMILIES                                    9
Review of number systems, binary codes, error detection and correction codes (Parity and Hamming code0- Digital Logic Families ,comparison of   RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL and MOS families -operation, characteristics of digital logic family.

UNIT II            COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS                                                                                  9
Combinational logic - representation of logic functions-SOP and POS forms, K-map representations- minimization using K maps - simplification and implementation of combinational logic - multiplexers and demultiplexers - code converters, adders, subtractors.

UNIT III          SYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS                                                            9
Sequential logic- SR, JK, D and T flip flops - level triggering  and  edge  triggering  - counters - asynchronous and synchronous type - Modulo counters - Shift registers - design of synchronous sequential circuits – Moore and Melay models- Counters, state diagram; state reduction; state assignment.

LOGIC DEVICES                                                                                                                          9
Asynchronous sequential logic circuits-Transition table, flow table-race conditions, hazards &errors in digital circuits; analysis of asynchronous sequential logic circuits-introduction to Programmable Logic Devices: PROM – PLA –PAL.

UNIT V           VHDL                                                                                                                         9
RTL Design – combinational logic – Sequential circuit – Operators – Introduction to Packages – Subprograms – Test bench. (Simulation /Tutorial Examples: adders, counters, flipflops, FSM, Multiplexers /Demultiplexers).


TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS

•    Ability to understand and analyse, linear and digital electronic  circuits.


1.  Raj Kamal, ‘ Digital systems-Principles and Design’, Pearson Education 2nd edition, 2007.
2.  M. Morris Mano, ‘Digital Design with an introduction to the VHDL’, Pearson Education,
3.  Comer “Digital Logic & State Machine Design, Oxford, 2012.


1. Mandal  ”Digital Electronics Principles & Application, McGraw Hill Edu,2013.
2. William Keitz, Digital Electronics-A Practical Approach with VHDL,Pearson,2013.
3. Floyd and Jain, ‘Digital Fundamentals’, 8th edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
4. Anand Kumar, Fundamentals of Digital Circuits,PHI,2013.
5. Charles H.Roth,Jr,Lizy Lizy Kurian John, ‘Digital System Design using VHDL, Cengage, 2013.
6. John M.Yarbrough, ‘Digital Logic, Application & Design’, Thomson, 2002.
7. Gaganpreet Kaur, VHDL Basics to Programming, Pearson, 2013.
8. Botros, HDL Programming Fundamental, VHDL& Verilog, Cengage, 2013.

EE6211 ELECTRIC CIRCUITS LABORATORY-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6211                     ELECTRIC CIRCUITS LABORATORY                                      L T  P  C
                                                                                                                                           0   0 3  2

•    To provide practical experience with simulation of electrical circuits and verifying circuit theorems.

1.  Experimental  verification of Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws
2.  Experimental verification of network theorems (Thevenin, Norton, Superposition and maximum
power transfer Theorem).
3.  Study of CRO and measurement of sinusoidal voltage, frequency and power factor.
4.  Experiental determination of time constant of series R-C electric circuits.
5.  Experimental determination of frequency response of  RLC circuits.
6.  Design and Simulation of  series resonance circuit.
7.  Design and Simulation of parallel resonant circuits.
8.  Simulation of low pass and high pass passive filters.
9.  Simulation of three phase balanced and unbalanced star, delta networks circuits.
10. Experimental determination of power in three phase circuits by two-watt meter method .
11. Calibration of  single phase energy meter.
12. Determination of two port network parameters.

•    Ability to understand and apply circuit theorems and concepts in engineering applications.

GE6263 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LABORATORY -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

GE6263                           COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LABORATORY                     L T  P  C
                                                                                                                                                0   1 2  2
The Students should be made to
•    Be exposed to Unix shell commands
•    Be familiar with an editor on Unix
•    Learn to program in Shell script
•    Learn to write C programme for Unix platform


1. UNIX COMMANDS                                                                                                                15

Study of Unix OS - Basic Shell Commands - Unix Editor

2. SHELL PROGRAMMING                                                                                                      15

Simple Shell program - Conditional Statements - Testing and Loops

3. C PROGRAMMING ON UNIX                                                                                               15

Dynamic Storage Allocation-Pointers-Functions-File Handling

At the end of the course the students should be able to:
•  Use Shell commands
•  Design of Implement Unix shell scripts
•  Write and execute C programs on Unix

EE6201 CIRCUIT THEORY -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6201                         CIRCUIT THEORY                               L  T  P C 3  1 0  4
•    To introduce electric circuits and its analysis
•    To impart knowledge on solving circuits using network theorems
•    To introduce the phenomenon of resonance in coupled circuits.
•    To educate on obtaining the transient response of circuits.
•    To Phasor diagrams and analysis of three phase circuits

UNIT I          BASIC CIRCUITS ANALYSIS                                                                                12
Ohm’s Law – Kirchoffs laws – DC and AC Circuits – Resistors in series and parallel circuits – Mesh current and node voltage method of analysis for D.C and A.C. circuits – Phasor Diagram – Power, Power Factor and Energy.

AND AC CIRCUITS                                                                                                      1 2
Network reduction: voltage and current division, source  transformation –  star delta  conversion. Thevenins and Novton & Theorem – Superposition Theorem – Maximum power transfer theorem – Reciprocity Theorem.

UNIT III           RESONANCE AND COUPLED CIRCUITS                                                          12
Series and paralled resonance – their frequency response – Quality factor and Bandwidth - Self and mutual inductance – Coefficient of coupling – Tuned circuits – Single tuned circuits.

UNIT IV          TRANSIENT RESPONSE FOR DC CIRCUITS                                                      12
Transient response of RL, RC and RLC Circuits using Laplace transform for DC input and A.C. with sinusoidal input – Characterization of two port networks in terms of Z,Y and h  parameters.

UNIT V           THREE PHASE CIRCUITS                                                                                         12
Three phase balanced / unbalanced voltage sources – analysis of three phase 3-wire and 4-wire circuits  with  star  and  delta  connected  loads,  balanced  &  un  balanced  –  phasor  diagram  of voltages and currents – power and power factor measurements in three phase circuits.


•    Ability analyse electrical circuits
•    Ability to apply circuit theorems
•    Ability to analyse AC and DC Circuits

1.  William H. Hayt Jr, Jack E. Kemmerly and Steven M. Durbin, “Engineering Circuits Analysis”, Tata

McGraw Hill publishers, 6

edition, New Delhi, 2003.

2.  Joseph     A.     Edminister,     Mahmood     Nahri,     “Electric     circuits”,     Schaum’s     series, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2001.

1.  Paranjothi SR, “Electric Circuits Analysis,” New Age International Ltd., New Delhi, 1996.
2.  Sudhakar A and Shyam Mohan SP, “Circuits and Network Analysis and Synthesis”, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2007.
3.  Chakrabati A, “Circuits Theory (Analysis and synthesis), Dhanpath Rai & Sons, New Delhi, 1999.
4.  Charles K. Alexander, Mathew N.O. Sadiku, “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”, Second Edition, McGraw Hill, 2003.

GE6251 BASIC CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

GE6251            BASIC CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING               L T  P C  4 0  0 4
•    To impart basic knowledge on Civil and Mechanical Engineering.
•    To explain the materials used for the construction of civilized structures.
•    To make the understand the fundamentals of construction of structure.
To explain the component of power plant units and detailed explanation to IC engines their working principles.
•    To explain the R & AC system.


UNIT I             SURVEYING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS                                    15
Surveying: Objects – types – classification – principles – measurements of distances – angles –
leveling – determination of areas – illustrative examples.

Civil Engineering Materials: Bricks – stones – sand – cement – concrete – steel sections.

UNIT II            BUILDING COMPONENTS AND STRUCTURES                                                 15
Foundations: Types, Bearing capacity – Requirement of good foundations.
Superstructure: Brick masonry – stone masonry – beams – columns – lintels – roofing – flooring –
plastering – Mechanics – Internal and external forces – stress – strain – elasticity – Types of Bridges and Dams – Basics of Interior Design and Landscaping.


UNIT III            POWER PLANT ENGINEERING                                                                            10
Introduction, Classification of Power Plants – Working principle of steam, Gas, Diesel, Hydro-electric and  Nuclear Power plants – Merits and Demerits –  Pumps and  turbines – working  principle of Reciprocating pumps (single acting and double acting) – Centrifugal Pump.

UNIT IV           IC ENGINES                                                                                                             10
Internal combustion engines as automobile power plant – Working principle of Petrol and Diesel Engines – Four stroke and two stroke cycles – Comparison of four stroke and two stroke engines – Boiler as a power plant.

UNIT V           REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM                                     10
Terminology of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Principle of vapour compression and absorption system – Layout of typical domestic refrigerator – Window and Split type room Air conditioner.



•    Ability to explain the usage of construction material and proper selection of construction materials.
•    Ability to design building structures.
•    Ability to identify the components use in power plant cycle.
•    Ability to demonstrate working principles of petrol and diesel engine.
•    Ability to explain the components of refrigeration and Air conditioning cycle.

1.  Shanmugam G and Palanichamy M S, “Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering”, Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1996.

1.  Ramamrutham  S., “Basic Civil Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. (P) Ltd. 1999.
2.  Seetharaman S., “Basic Civil Engineering”, Anuradha Agencies, 2005.
3.  Venugopal  K.  and  Prahu  Raja  V.,  “Basic  Mechanical  Engineering”,  Anuradha  Publishers, Kumbakonam, 2000.
4.  Shantha Kumar S R J., “Basic Mechanical Engineering”, Hi-tech Publications, Mayiladuthurai,


ME6020 VIBRATION AND NOISE CONTROL -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6020                VIBRATION AND NOISE CONTROL             L T  P  C 3 0  0 3
The student will be able to understand the sources of vibration and noise in automobiles  and make design modifications to reduce the vibration and noise and improve the life of the components

UNIT I             BASICS OF VIBRATION                                                                                           9
Introduction, classification of vibration: free and forced vibration, undamped and damped vibration, linear and non linear vibration, response of damped and undamped systems under harmonic force, analysis of single degree and two degree of freedom systems, torsional vibration, determination of natural frequencies.

UNIT II            BASICS OF NOISE                                                                                                     9
Introduction, amplitude, frequency, wavelength and sound pressure level, addition, subtraction and averaging decibel levels, noise dose level, legislation, measurement and analysis of noise, measurement environment, equipment, frequency analysis, tracking analysis, sound quality analysis.

UNIT III           AUTOMOTIVE NOISE SOURCES                                                                             9
Noise  Characteristics  of  engines, engine overall  noise  levels, assessment  of  combustion  noise, assessment of mechanical noise, engine radiated noise, intake and exhaust noise, engine necessary contributed noise, transmission noise, aerodynamic noise, tire noise, brake noise.

UNIT IV          CONTROL TECHNIQUES                                                                                          9
Vibration isolation, tuned absorbers, un-tuned viscous dampers, damping  treatments, application dynamic forces generated by IC engines, engine isolation, crank shaft damping, modal analysis of the mass elastic model shock absorbers.

UNIT V           SOURCE OF NOISE AND CONTROL                                                                      9
Methods  for  control  of  engine  noise,  combustion  noise,  mechanical  noise,  predictive  analysis, palliative treatments and enclosures, automotive noise control principles, sound in enclosures, sound energy absorption, sound transmission through barriers

•           Understanding causes, source and types of vibrations in machineries
•           Gaining knowledge in sources and measurement standard of noise
•           Ability to design and develop vibrations and noise control systems.

1.        Singiresu S.Rao, “Mechanical Vibrations”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2010

1.        Benson H. Tongue, “Principles of Vibrations”, 2nd Edition, Oxford University, 2007
2.        David Bies and Colin Hansen, “Engineering Noise Control – Theory and Practice”,4th Edition, E and FN Spon, Taylore & Francise e-Library, 2009
3.        William  T.  Thomson,  Marie  Dillon  Dahleh,  Chandramouli  Padmanabhan,  “Theory  of
Vibration with Application”, 5th Edition Pearson Education, 2011
4.        Grover. G.T., “Mechanical Vibrations”, Nem Chand and Bros., 1996
5.        Bernard Challen and Rodica Baranescu - “Diesel Engine Reference Book”, Second Edition, SAE International, 1999.
6.        Julian Happian-Smith - “An Introduction to Modern Vehicle Design”- Butterworth-Heinemann,
7.        Rao,  J.S  and  Gupta,  K.,  “Introductory  course  on  Theory  and  Practice  of  Mechanical
Vibration”, 2nd Edition, New Age International Publications, 2010
8.        Shabana. A.A., “Theory of vibrations – An introduction”, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2010
9.        Balakumar Balachandran and Edward B. Magrab, “Fundamentals of Vibrations”, 1st  Editon, Cengage Learning, 2009
10.      John Fenton, “Handbook of Automotive body Construction and Design Analysis – Professional
Engineering Publishing, 1998

ME6019 NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND MATERIALS-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6019           NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND MATERIALS               L T  P  C 3   0 0  3
To study and understand the various Non Destructive Evaluation and Testing methods, theory and their industrial applications.

UNIT I             OVERVIEW OF NDT                                                                                                7
NDT Versus Mechanical testing, Overview of the Non Destructive Testing Methods for the detection of manufacturing defects as well as material characterisation. Relative merits and limitations, Various physical characteristics of materials and their applications in NDT., Visual inspection – Unaided and aided.

UNIT II            SURFACE NDE METHODS                                                                                       8
Liquid  Penetrant  Testing  -  Principles,  types  and  properties  of  liquid  penetrants,  developers, advantages and limitations of various methods, Testing Procedure, Interpretation of results. Magnetic Particle Testing- Theory of magnetism, inspection materials Magnetisation methods, Interpretation
and evaluation of test indications, Principles and methods of demagnetization, Residual magnetism.

UNIT III           THERMOGRAPHY AND EDDY CURRENT TESTING (ET)                               10
Thermography- Principles, Contact and non contact inspection methods, Techniques for applying liquid crystals, Advantages and limitation - infrared radiation and infrared detectors, Instrumentations and methods, applications.Eddy Current Testing-Generation of eddy currents, Properties of eddy currents,   Eddy   current   sensing   elements,   Probes,   Instrumentation,   Types   of   arrangement, Applications, advantages, Limitations, Interpretation/Evaluation.

Ultrasonic Testing-Principle, Transducers, transmission and pulse-echo method, straight beam and angle beam, instrumentation, data representation, A/Scan, B-scan, C-scan. Phased Array Ultrasound, Time of Flight Diffraction. Acoustic Emission Technique –Principle, AE parameters, Applications

UNIT V           RADIOGRAPHY (RT)                                                                                               10
Principle, interaction of X-Ray with matter, imaging, film and film less techniques, types and use of filters  and  screens,  geometric factors,  Inverse square,  law,  characteristics  of  films  -  graininess, density, speed, contrast, characteristic curves, Penetrameters, Exposure charts, Radiographic equivalence. Fluoroscopy- Xero-Radiography, Computed Radiography, Computed Tomography
Upon completion of this course, the students can able to use the various Non Destructive Testing and Testing methods understand for defects and characterization of industrial components

1.        Baldev  Raj,  T.Jayakumar,  M.Thavasimuthu  “Practical  Non-Destructive  Testing”,  Narosa
Publishing House, 2009.

2.        Ravi   Prakash,   “Non-Destructive   Testing   Techniques”,   1st   revised   edition,   New   Age
International Publishers, 2010

1.        ASM Metals Handbook,”Non-Destructive Evaluation and Quality Control”, American Society of
Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, USA, 200, Volume-17.
2.        Paul E Mix, “Introduction to Non-destructive testing: a training guide”, Wiley, 2nd  Edition New
Jersey, 2005
3.        Charles, J. Hellier,“ Handbook of Nondestructive evaluation”, McGraw Hill, New York 2001.
4.        ASNT, American Society for Non Destructive Testing, Columbus, Ohio, NDT Handbook,Vol. 1,
Leak Testing, Vol. 2, Liquid Penetrant Testing, Vol. 3, Infrared and Thermal Testing Vol. 4, Radiographic Testing, Vol. 5, Electromagnetic Testing, Vol. 6, Acoustic Emission Testing, Vol.
7, Ultrasonic Testing

ME6018 ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6018                  ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING                    L T  P  C 3   0 0  3
To  know  the  principle  methods,  areas  of  usage,  possibilities  and  limitations  as  well  as environmental effects of the Additive Manufacturing technologies
•           To be familiar with the characteristics of the different materials those are used in Additive

UNIT I             INTRODUCTION                                                                                                       10
Overview – History - Need-Classification -Additive Manufacturing Technology in product development- Materials for Additive Manufacturing Technology – Tooling - Applications.

UNIT II            CAD & REVERSE ENGINEERING                                                                         10
Basic Concept – Digitization techniques – Model Reconstruction – Data Processing for Additive Manufacturing Technology: CAD model preparation – Part Orientation and support generation – Model Slicing –Tool path Generation – Softwares for Additive Manufacturing Technology: MIMICS, MAGICS.

Classification – Liquid based system – Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA)- Principle, process, advantages and applications - Solid based system –Fused Deposition Modeling - Principle, process, advantages and applications, Laminated Object Manufacturing

Selective Laser Sintering – Principles of SLS process - Process, advantages and applications, Three Dimensional  Printing  -  Principle,  process,  advantages  and  applications-  Laser  Engineered  Net Shaping (LENS), Electron Beam Melting.

UNIT V           MEDICAL AND BIO-ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING                                                     5
Customized implants and prosthesis: Design and production. Bio-Additive Manufacturing- Computer
Aided Tissue Engineering (CATE) – Case studies

Upon completion of this course, the students can able  to  compare different method and discuss the effects of the Additive Manufacturing technologies and analyse the characteristics of the different materials in Additive Manufacturing.

1.        Chua C.K., Leong K.F., and Lim C.S., “Rapid prototyping: Principles and applications”, Third
Edition, World Scientific Publishers, 2010.
2.        Gebhardt A., “Rapid prototyping”, Hanser Gardener Publications, 2003.

1.        Liou L.W. and Liou F.W., “Rapid Prototyping and Engineering applications : A tool box for prototype development”, CRC Press, 2007.
2.        Kamrani A.K. and Nasr E.A., “Rapid Prototyping: Theory and practice”, Springer, 2006.
3.        Hilton P.D. and Jacobs P.F., “Rapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications”, CRC
press, 2000.

ME6017 DESIGN OF HEAT EXCHANGER-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6017          DESIGN OF HEAT EXCHANGERS                              L T  P  C 3   0 0  3
•           To learn the thermal and stress analysis on various parts of the heat exchangers
•           To analyze the sizing and rating of the heat exchangers for various applications

UNIT I             INTRODUCTION                                                                                                        9
Types of heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers – regenerators and recuperators - Temperature distribution and its implications - Parts description, Classification as per Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA)

UNIT II            PROCESS DESIGN OF HEAT EXCHANGERS                                                     9
Heat transfer correlations, Overall heat transfer coefficient, analysis of heat exchangers – LMTD and effectiveness method. Sizing of finned tube heat exchangers, U tube heat exchangers, Design of shell and tube heat exchangers, fouling factors, pressure drop calculations.

UNIT III            STRESS ANALYSIS                                                                                                 9
Stress in tubes – header sheets and pressure vessels – thermal stresses, shear stresses - types of failures, buckling of tubes, flow induced vibration.

UNIT IV          COMPACT AND PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER                                                       9
Types-  Merits  and  Demerits-  Design  of  compact  heat  exchangers,  plate  heat  exchangers, performance influencing parameters, limitations.

UNIT V           CONDENSERS AND COOLING TOWERS                                                               9
Design of surface and evaporative condensers – cooling tower – performance characteristics.
Upon completion of this course, the students can able to apply the mathematical knowledge for thermal and stress analysis on various parts of the heat exchangers components.

1.        SadikKakac and Hongtan Liu, "Heat Exchangers Selection", Rating and Thermal Design, CRC Press, 2002.
2.        Shah,R. K., Dušan P. Sekulić, "Fundamentals of heat exchanger design", John Wiley & Sons,

1.        Robert  W.  Serth,  "Process  heat  transfer  principles  and  applications",  Academic  press, Elesevier, 2007.
2.        Sarit Kumar Das, "Process heat transfer", Alpha Science International, 2005
3.        John  E.  Hesselgreaves,  "Compact  heat  exchangers:  selection,  design,  and  operation", Elsevier science Ltd, 2001.
4.        Kuppan. T., "Heat exchanger design hand book", New York : Marcel Dekker, 2000.

5.        Eric M. Smith, "Advances in thermal design of heat exchangers: a numerical approach: direct- sizing, step-wise rating, and transients", John Wiley & Sons, 1999.

ME6016 ADVANCED I.C ENGINES-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6016                    ADVANCED I.C ENGINES                                    L T  P  C 3 0  0   3
•           To understand the underlying principles of operation of different IC Engines and components.
•           To provide knowledge on pollutant formation, control, alternate fuel etc.

UNIT I             SPARK IGNITION ENGINES                                                                                     9
Mixture requirements – Fuel injection systems – Monopoint, Multipoint & Direct injection - Stages of combustion – Normal and Abnormal combustion – Knock - Factors affecting knock – Combustion chambers.

UNIT II            COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINES                                                                    9
Diesel Fuel Injection Systems - Stages of combustion – Knocking – Factors affecting knock – Direct and Indirect injection systems – Combustion chambers – Fuel Spray behaviour – Spray structure and spray penetration – Air motion - Introduction to Turbocharging.

UNIT III           POLLUTANT FORMATION AND CONTROL                                                        9
Pollutant – Sources – Formation of Carbon Monoxide, Unburnt hydrocarbon, Oxides of Nitrogen, Smoke and Particulate matter – Methods of controlling Emissions – Catalytic converters, Selective Catalytic Reduction and Particulate Traps – Methods of measurement – Emission norms and Driving cycles.

UNIT IV          ALTERNATIVE FUELS                                                                                              9
Alcohol, Hydrogen, Compressed Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Bio Diesel - Properties, Suitability, Merits and Demerits - Engine Modifications.

UNIT V           RECENT TRENDS                                                                                                       9
Air assisted Combustion, Homogeneous charge compression ignition engines – Variable Geometry turbochargers – Common Rail Direct Injection Systems - Hybrid Electric Vehicles – NOx Adsorbers - Onboard Diagnostics.



•          Upon completion of this course, the students can able to compare the operations of different
IC Engine and components and can evaluate the pollutant formation, control, alternate fuel

1.        Ramalingam. K.K., "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals", Scitech Publications, 2002.
2.        Ganesan, "Internal Combustion Engines", II Edition, TMH, 2002.


1.        Mathur. R.B. and R.P. Sharma, "Internal Combustion Engines"., Dhanpat Rai & Sons 2007.
2.        Duffy Smith, "Auto Fuel Systems", The Good Heart Willcox Company, Inc., 1987.
3.        Eric Chowenitz, "Automobile Electronics", SAE Publications, 1995