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EE6401 ELECTRICAL MACHINES – I -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6401            ELECTRICAL MACHINES – I                                   L T P C 3 1 0 4
•    To introduce techniques of magnetic-circuit analysis and introduce magnetic materials
To familiarize the constructional details, the principle of operation, prediction of performance, the methods of testing the transformers and three phase transformer connections.
To study the working principles of electrical machines using the concepts of electromechanical energy conversion principles and derive expressions for generated voltage and torque developed
in all Electrical Machines.
To study the working principles of DC machines as Generator types, determination of their no- load/load characteristics, starting and methods of speed control of motors.
To estimate the various losses taking place in D.C. Motor and to study the different testing methods to arrive at their performance.

UNIT I      MAGNETIC CIRCUITS AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS                                                      9
Magnetic circuits –Laws governing magnetic circuits - Flux linkage, Inductance and energy – Statically and Dynamically induced EMF - Torque – Properties of magnetic materials, Hysterisis and Eddy Current losses - AC excitation, introduction to permanent magnets-Transformer as a magnetically coupled circuit.

UNIT II     TRANSFORMERS                                                                                                                 9
Construction – principle of operation – equivalent circuit parameters – phasor diagrams, losses – testing – efficiency and voltage regulation-all day efficiency-Sumpner’s test, per unit representation – inrush current -  three phase transformers-connections – Scott Connection – Phasing of transformer– parallel operation of three phase transformers-auto transformer – tap changing transformers- tertiary winding.

ROTATING MACHINES                                                                                                      9
Energy in magnetic system –  Field energy and coenergy-force and torque equations – singly and multiply excited magnetic field systems-mmf of distributed windings – Winding Inductances-, magnetic fields in rotating machines – rotating mmf waves – magnetic saturation and leakage fluxes.

UNIT IV     DC GENERATORS                                                                                                              9
Construction and components of DC Machine – Principle of operation - Lap and wave windings-EMF equations– circuit model – armature reaction –methods of excitation-commutation and interpoles - compensating winding –characteristics of DC generators.

UNIT V        DC MOTORS                                                                                                                      9
Principle and operations - types of DC Motors – Speed Torque Characteristics of DC Motors-starting and speed control of DC motors –Plugging, dynamic and regenerative braking- testing and efficiency
– Retardation test- Swinburne’s test and Hopkinson’s test - Permanent magnet dc motors(PMDC)-DC Motor applications.


TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS

•    Ability to model and analyze electrical apparatus and their application to power system

1.  Nagrath I. J and Kothari D. P. ‘Electric Machines’, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd, 2010.
2.  M.N.Bandyopadhyay, Electrical Machines Theory and Practice, PHI Learning PVT LTD., New
Delhi, 2009.
3.  Fitzgerald. A.E., Charles Kingsely Jr, Stephen D.Umans, ‘Electric Machinery’, Sixth edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Books Company, 2003.

1.  P. C. Sen., ‘Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics’, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
2.  Syed  A.  Nasar,  Electric  Machines  and  Power  Systems:  Volume  I,  Mcgraw-Hill  College; International  Edition, January 1995.
3.  Deshpande M. V., “Electrical Machines” PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
4.  P.S. Bimbhra, ‘Electrical Machinery’, Khanna Publishers, 2003.
5.  S.Sarma & K.Pathak  “Electric Machines”, Cengage Learning India (P) Ltd., Delhi, 2011.