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ME6009 ENERGY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6009        ENERGY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT               L T  P  C 3 0  0   3
At the end of the course, the student is expected to
•           understand and analyse the energy data of industries
•           carryout energy accounting and balancing
•           conduct energy audit and suggest methodologies for energy savings and
•           utilise the available resources in optimal ways

UNIT I              INTRODUCTION                                                                                                       8
Energy - Power – Past & Present scenario of World; National Energy consumption Data – Environmental   aspects   associated   with   energy   utilization   –Energy   Auditing:   Need,   Types, Methodology and Barriers. Role of Energy Managers. Instruments for energy auditing.

UNIT II            ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS                                                                                        12
Components of EB billing – HT and LT supply, Transformers, Cable Sizing, Concept of Capacitors, Power  Factor  Improvement,  Harmonics,  Electric  Motors  -  Motor  Efficiency  Computation, Energy Efficient Motors, Illumination – Lux, Lumens, Types of lighting, Efficacy, LED Lighting and scope of Encon in Illumination.

UNIT III           THERMAL SYSTEMS                                                                                              12
Stoichiometry, Boilers, Furnaces and Thermic Fluid Heaters – Efficiency computation and encon measures.  Steam:  Distribution  &U  sage:  Steam  Traps,  Condensate  Recovery,  Flash  Steam Utilization, Insulators & Refractories

UNIT IV          ENERGY CONSERVATION IN MAJOR UTILITIES                                               8
Pumps, Fans, Blowers, Compressed Air Systems, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems – Cooling Towers – D.G. sets

UNIT V           ECONOMICS                                                                                                               5
Energy Economics – Discount Rate, Payback Period, Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value, Life
Cycle Costing –ESCO concept



Upon completion of this course, the students can able to analyse the energy data of industries.
•           Can carryout energy accounting and balancing

•           Can suggest methodologies for energy savings

1.        Energy Manager Training Manual (4 Volumes) available at www.energymanager, a website administered by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), a statutory body under Ministry of Power, Government of India, 2004.

1.        Witte.  L.C.,  P.S.  Schmidt,  D.R.  Brown,  “Industrial  Energy  Management  and  Utilisation” Hemisphere Publ, Washington, 1988.
2.        Callaghn, P.W. “Design and Management for Energy Conservation”, Pergamon Press, Oxford,
3.        Dryden. I.G.C., “The Efficient Use of Energy” Butterworths, London, 1982
4.        Turner. W.C., “Energy Management Hand book”, Wiley, New York, 1982.
5.        Murphy. W.R. and G. Mc KAY, “Energy Management”, Butterworths, London 1987.