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CE6018 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

CE6018          COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES               LT P C 3 0 0 3

To  introduce  the  students  about  computer  graphics,  structural  analysis,  design  and optimization and expert systems, applications in analysis.

UNIT I             INTRODUCTION                                                                                                      9
Fundamental reason for implementing CAD - Software requirements – Hardware components in
CAD system – Design process - Applications and benefits.

UNIT II            COMPUTER GRAPHICS                                                                                           9
Graphic Software – Graphic primitives - Transformations - 2 Dimensional and 3 Dimensional transformations – Concatenation - Wire frame modeling - Solid modeling - Graphic standards
- Drafting packages – Auto CAD.

UNIT III           STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS                                                                                        9
Principles of structural analysis - Fundamentals of finite element analysis - Concepts of finite elements  –  Stiffness matrix formulation  –  Variational  Method  –  Weighted  residual  method  – Problems – Conditions of convergence of functions – Analysis packages and applications.

UNIT IV          DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION                                                                                  9
Principles of design of steel and RC structures - Beams and Columns - Applications to simple design problems - Optimization techniques - Algorithms - Linear programming.

UNIT V           EXPERT SYSTEMS                                                                                                   9
Introduction  to  artificial  intelligence  -  Knowledge  based  expert  systems  –  Applications  of
KBES- Rules and decision tables - Inference mechanisms - simple applications
Students will be able to implement ideas of computer aided design with advantages and demerits.

1.  Groover   M.P.   and   Zimmers   E.W.   Jr.,   “CAD/CAM,   Computer   Aided   Design   and
Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi, 1993.
2.  Krishnamoorthy C.S.Rajeev S., “Computer Aided Design”, Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, 1993

1.  Harrison H.B., “Structural Analysis and Design”, Part I and II Pergamon Press, Oxford,
2.  Rao S.S., “Optimisation Theory and Applications”, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1977.
3.  Richard Forsyth (Ed), “Expert System Principles and Case Studies”, Chapman and Hall,
London, 1989.