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ME6002 REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6002         REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING          L T  P  C 3 0   0  3
To  understand  the  underlying  principles  of  operations  in  different  Refrigeration  &  Air conditioning systems and components.
•           To provide knowledge on design aspects of Refrigeration & Air conditioning systems

UNIT I             INTRODUCTION                                                                                                         5
Introduction to Refrigeration - Unit of Refrigeration and C.O.P.– Ideal cycles- Refrigerants Desirable properties – Classification - Nomenclature - ODP & GWP.

UNIT II            VAPOUR COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION SYSTEM                                     10
Vapor compression cycle : p-h and T-s diagrams - deviations from theoretical cycle – subcooling and super heating- effects of condenser and evaporator pressure on COP- multipressure system - low temperature refrigeration - Cascade systems – problems. Equipments: Type of Compressors, Condensers, Expansion devices, Evaporators.

UNIT III           OTHER REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS                                                                     8
Working principles of Vapour absorption systems and adsorption cooling systems – Steam jet refrigeration- Ejector refrigeration systems- Thermoelectric refrigeration- Air refrigeration - Magnetic - Vortex and Pulse tube refrigeration systems.

UNIT IV          PSYCHROMETRIC PROPERTIES AND PROCESSES                                         10
Properties of moist Air-Gibbs Dalton law, Specific humidity, Dew point temperature, Degree of saturation, Relative humidity, Enthalpy, Humid specific heat, Wet bulb temperature Thermodynamic wet bulb temperature, Psychrometric chart; Psychrometric of air-conditioning processes, mixing of air streams.

UNIT V           AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS AND LOAD ESTIMATION                             12
Air conditioning loads: Outside and inside design conditions; Heat transfer through structure, Solar radiation, Electrical appliances, Infiltration and ventilation, internal heat load; Apparatus selection; fresh air load, human comfort & IAQ principles, effective temperature & chart, calculation of summer & winter air  conditioning  load;  Classifications, Layout of  plants; Air  distribution  system;  Filters; Air Conditioning  Systems  with  Controls:  Temperature,  Pressure  and  Humidity  sensors,  Actuators  & Safety controls.



Upon completion of this course, the students can able to demonstrate  the  operations in different Refrigeration & Air conditioning systems and also able to design Refrigeration & Air conditioning systems .

1.        Arora, C.P., "Refrigeration and Air Conditioning", 3rd   edition, McGraw Hill,  New Delhi, 2010.

1.        Roy J. Dossat, "Principles of Refrigeration", 4th   edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2009.
2.        Stoecker, W.F. and Jones J. W., "Refrigeration and Air Conditioning", McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

3.        ASHRAE Hand book, Fundamentals, 2010
4.         Jones W.P., "Air conditioning engineering", 5th   edition,Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001