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ME6604 GAS DYNAMICS AND JET PROPULSION-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6604      GAS DYNAMICS AND JET PROPULSION          L T  P  C 3   0 0  3

•           To understand the basic difference between incompressible and compressible flow.
To understand the phenomenon of shock waves and its effect on flow. To gain some basic knowledge about jet propulsion and Rocket Propulsion.
(Use of Standard Gas Tables permitted)

UNIT I        BASIC CONCEPTS AND ISENTROPIC FLOWS                                                          6
Energy and momentum equations of compressible fluid flows – Stagnation states, Mach waves and Mach cone – Effect of Mach number on compressibility – Isentropic flow through variable ducts – Nozzle and Diffusers

UNIT II       FLOW THROUGH DUCTS                                                                                             9
Flows through constant area ducts with heat transfer (Rayleigh flow) and Friction (Fanno flow) –
variation of flow properties.

UNIT III      NORMAL AND OBLIQUE SHOCKS                                                                           10
Governing equations – Variation of flow parameters across the normal and oblique shocks – Prandtl – Meyer relations – Applications.

UNIT IV       JET PROPULSION                                                                                                       10
Theory of jet propulsion – Thrust equation – Thrust power and propulsive efficiency – Operating principle, cycle analysis and use of stagnation state performance of ram jet, turbojet, turbofan and turbo prop engines.

UNIT V       SPACE PROPULSION                                                                                                 10
Types of rocket engines – Propellants-feeding systems – Ignition and combustion – Theory of rocket propulsion – Performance study – Staging – Terminal and characteristic velocity – Applications – space flights.



Upon completion of this course, the students can able to successfully apply gas dynamics principles in the Jet and Space Propulsion

1.        Anderson, J.D., "Modern Compressible flow", 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2003.
2.        Yahya, S.M. "Fundamentals of Compressible Flow", New Age International (P) Limited, New
Delhi, 1996.

1.        Hill. P. and C. Peterson, "Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion", Addison – Wesley
Publishing company, 1992.
2.        Zucrow. N.J., "Aircraft and Missile Propulsion", Vol.1 & II, John Wiley, 1975.
3.        Zucrow. N.J., "Principles of Jet Propulsion and Gas Turbines", John Wiley, New York, 1970.
4.        Sutton. G.P., "Rocket Propulsion Elements", John wiley, New York,1986,.
5.        Shapiro. A.H.," Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible fluid Flow", John wiley, New
York, 1953.
6.        Ganesan. V., "Gas Turbines", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1999.
7.        Somasundaram.  PR.S.L.,  "Gas  Dynamics  and  Jet  Propulsions",  New  Age  International
Publishers, 1996.
8.        Babu. V., "Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics", ANE Books India, 2008.
9.        Cohen. H., G.E.C. Rogers and Saravanamutto, "Gas Turbine Theory", Longman Group Ltd.,