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ME6019 NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND MATERIALS-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6019           NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND MATERIALS               L T  P  C 3   0 0  3
To study and understand the various Non Destructive Evaluation and Testing methods, theory and their industrial applications.

UNIT I             OVERVIEW OF NDT                                                                                                7
NDT Versus Mechanical testing, Overview of the Non Destructive Testing Methods for the detection of manufacturing defects as well as material characterisation. Relative merits and limitations, Various physical characteristics of materials and their applications in NDT., Visual inspection – Unaided and aided.

UNIT II            SURFACE NDE METHODS                                                                                       8
Liquid  Penetrant  Testing  -  Principles,  types  and  properties  of  liquid  penetrants,  developers, advantages and limitations of various methods, Testing Procedure, Interpretation of results. Magnetic Particle Testing- Theory of magnetism, inspection materials Magnetisation methods, Interpretation
and evaluation of test indications, Principles and methods of demagnetization, Residual magnetism.

UNIT III           THERMOGRAPHY AND EDDY CURRENT TESTING (ET)                               10
Thermography- Principles, Contact and non contact inspection methods, Techniques for applying liquid crystals, Advantages and limitation - infrared radiation and infrared detectors, Instrumentations and methods, applications.Eddy Current Testing-Generation of eddy currents, Properties of eddy currents,   Eddy   current   sensing   elements,   Probes,   Instrumentation,   Types   of   arrangement, Applications, advantages, Limitations, Interpretation/Evaluation.

Ultrasonic Testing-Principle, Transducers, transmission and pulse-echo method, straight beam and angle beam, instrumentation, data representation, A/Scan, B-scan, C-scan. Phased Array Ultrasound, Time of Flight Diffraction. Acoustic Emission Technique –Principle, AE parameters, Applications

UNIT V           RADIOGRAPHY (RT)                                                                                               10
Principle, interaction of X-Ray with matter, imaging, film and film less techniques, types and use of filters  and  screens,  geometric factors,  Inverse square,  law,  characteristics  of  films  -  graininess, density, speed, contrast, characteristic curves, Penetrameters, Exposure charts, Radiographic equivalence. Fluoroscopy- Xero-Radiography, Computed Radiography, Computed Tomography
Upon completion of this course, the students can able to use the various Non Destructive Testing and Testing methods understand for defects and characterization of industrial components

1.        Baldev  Raj,  T.Jayakumar,  M.Thavasimuthu  “Practical  Non-Destructive  Testing”,  Narosa
Publishing House, 2009.

2.        Ravi   Prakash,   “Non-Destructive   Testing   Techniques”,   1st   revised   edition,   New   Age
International Publishers, 2010

1.        ASM Metals Handbook,”Non-Destructive Evaluation and Quality Control”, American Society of
Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, USA, 200, Volume-17.
2.        Paul E Mix, “Introduction to Non-destructive testing: a training guide”, Wiley, 2nd  Edition New
Jersey, 2005
3.        Charles, J. Hellier,“ Handbook of Nondestructive evaluation”, McGraw Hill, New York 2001.
4.        ASNT, American Society for Non Destructive Testing, Columbus, Ohio, NDT Handbook,Vol. 1,
Leak Testing, Vol. 2, Liquid Penetrant Testing, Vol. 3, Infrared and Thermal Testing Vol. 4, Radiographic Testing, Vol. 5, Electromagnetic Testing, Vol. 6, Acoustic Emission Testing, Vol.
7, Ultrasonic Testing