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EE6365 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6365               ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY                    L T  P   C 0   0 3   2
•          To validate the principles studied in theory by performing experiments in the laboratory

1. Load test on DC Shunt & DC Series motor
2. O.C.C & Load characteristics of DC Shunt and DC Series generator
3. Speed control of DC shunt motor (Armature, Field control)
4. Load test on single phase transformer
5. O.C & S.C Test on a single phase transformer
6. Regulation of an alternator by EMF & MMF methods.
7. V curves and inverted V curves of synchronous Motor
8. Load test on three phase squirrel cage Induction motor
9. Speed control of three phase slip ring Induction Motor
10. Load test on single phase Induction Motor.
11. Study of DC & AC Starters

•           Ability to perform speed characteristic of different electrical machine