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EE6402 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6402         TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION                                LT P C 3 0 0 3

•    To develop expressions for the computation of transmission line parameters.
•    To obtain the equivalent circuits for the transmission lines based on distance and operating
voltage for determining voltage regulation and efficiency. Also to improve the voltage profile of the transmission system.
To analyses the voltage distribution in insulator strings and cables and methods to improve the same.
•    To understand the operation of the different distribution schemes.

UNIT I             STRUCTURE OF POWER SYSTEM                                                                               9
Structure of electric power system: generation, transmission and distribution; Types of AC and DC distributors – distributed and concentrated loads – interconnection – EHVAC and HVDC transmission - Introduction to FACTS.

UNIT II            TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS                                                                          9
Parameters of single and three phase transmission lines with single and double circuits - Resistance, inductance and capacitance of solid, stranded and bundled conductors, Symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing and transposition - application of self and mutual GMD; skin and proximity effects - interference with neighboring communication circuits - Typical configurations, conductor types and electrical parameters of EHV lines, corona discharges.

UNIT III           MODELLING AND PERFORMANCE OF TRANSMISSION LINES                               9
Classification of lines - short line, medium line and long line - equivalent circuits, phasor diagram, attenuation  constant,  phase  constant,  surge  impedance;  transmission  efficiency  and  voltage regulation, real and reactive power flow in lines, Power - circle diagrams, surge impedance loading, methods of voltage control; Ferranti effect.

UNIT IV           INSULATORS AND CABLES                                                                                        9
Insulators - Types, voltage distribution in insulator string, improvement of string efficiency, testing of insulators. Underground cables - Types of cables, Capacitance of  Single-core  cable, Grading of cables, Power factor and heating of cables, Capacitance of 3- core belted cable, D.C cables.

UNIT V           MECHANICAL DESIGN OF LINES AND GROUNDING                                                 9
Mechanical design of transmission line – sag and tension calculations for different weather conditions, Tower spotting, Types of towers, Substation Layout (AIS, GIS), Methods of grounding.



•    Ability to understand and analyze power system operation, stability, control and protection.

1.  D.P.Kothari , I.J. Nagarath, ‘Power System Engineering’, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company limited, New Delhi, Second   Edition, 2008.
2.  C.L.Wadhwa, ‘Electrical Power Systems’, New Academic Science Ltd, 2009.
3.  S.N. Singh, ‘Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution’, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2011.

1.   B.R.Gupta, , S.Chand,  ‘Power System Analysis and Design’New Delhi, Fifth Edition, 2008.
2.   Luces M.Fualken berry ,Walter Coffer, ‘Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission’, Pearson
Education, 2007.
3.   Hadi Saadat, ‘Power System Analysis,’ PSA Publishing; Third Edition, 2010.
4.   J.Brian, Hardy and Colin R.Bayliss ‘Transmission and Distribution in Electrical Engineering’, Newnes; Fourth Edition, 2012.
5.   G.Ramamurthy, “Handbook of Electrical power Distribution,” Universities Press, 2013.