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ME6016 ADVANCED I.C ENGINES-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6016                    ADVANCED I.C ENGINES                                    L T  P  C 3 0  0   3
•           To understand the underlying principles of operation of different IC Engines and components.
•           To provide knowledge on pollutant formation, control, alternate fuel etc.

UNIT I             SPARK IGNITION ENGINES                                                                                     9
Mixture requirements – Fuel injection systems – Monopoint, Multipoint & Direct injection - Stages of combustion – Normal and Abnormal combustion – Knock - Factors affecting knock – Combustion chambers.

UNIT II            COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINES                                                                    9
Diesel Fuel Injection Systems - Stages of combustion – Knocking – Factors affecting knock – Direct and Indirect injection systems – Combustion chambers – Fuel Spray behaviour – Spray structure and spray penetration – Air motion - Introduction to Turbocharging.

UNIT III           POLLUTANT FORMATION AND CONTROL                                                        9
Pollutant – Sources – Formation of Carbon Monoxide, Unburnt hydrocarbon, Oxides of Nitrogen, Smoke and Particulate matter – Methods of controlling Emissions – Catalytic converters, Selective Catalytic Reduction and Particulate Traps – Methods of measurement – Emission norms and Driving cycles.

UNIT IV          ALTERNATIVE FUELS                                                                                              9
Alcohol, Hydrogen, Compressed Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Bio Diesel - Properties, Suitability, Merits and Demerits - Engine Modifications.

UNIT V           RECENT TRENDS                                                                                                       9
Air assisted Combustion, Homogeneous charge compression ignition engines – Variable Geometry turbochargers – Common Rail Direct Injection Systems - Hybrid Electric Vehicles – NOx Adsorbers - Onboard Diagnostics.



•          Upon completion of this course, the students can able to compare the operations of different
IC Engine and components and can evaluate the pollutant formation, control, alternate fuel

1.        Ramalingam. K.K., "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals", Scitech Publications, 2002.
2.        Ganesan, "Internal Combustion Engines", II Edition, TMH, 2002.


1.        Mathur. R.B. and R.P. Sharma, "Internal Combustion Engines"., Dhanpat Rai & Sons 2007.
2.        Duffy Smith, "Auto Fuel Systems", The Good Heart Willcox Company, Inc., 1987.
3.        Eric Chowenitz, "Automobile Electronics", SAE Publications, 1995