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ME6017 DESIGN OF HEAT EXCHANGER-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6017          DESIGN OF HEAT EXCHANGERS                              L T  P  C 3   0 0  3
•           To learn the thermal and stress analysis on various parts of the heat exchangers
•           To analyze the sizing and rating of the heat exchangers for various applications

UNIT I             INTRODUCTION                                                                                                        9
Types of heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers – regenerators and recuperators - Temperature distribution and its implications - Parts description, Classification as per Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA)

UNIT II            PROCESS DESIGN OF HEAT EXCHANGERS                                                     9
Heat transfer correlations, Overall heat transfer coefficient, analysis of heat exchangers – LMTD and effectiveness method. Sizing of finned tube heat exchangers, U tube heat exchangers, Design of shell and tube heat exchangers, fouling factors, pressure drop calculations.

UNIT III            STRESS ANALYSIS                                                                                                 9
Stress in tubes – header sheets and pressure vessels – thermal stresses, shear stresses - types of failures, buckling of tubes, flow induced vibration.

UNIT IV          COMPACT AND PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER                                                       9
Types-  Merits  and  Demerits-  Design  of  compact  heat  exchangers,  plate  heat  exchangers, performance influencing parameters, limitations.

UNIT V           CONDENSERS AND COOLING TOWERS                                                               9
Design of surface and evaporative condensers – cooling tower – performance characteristics.
Upon completion of this course, the students can able to apply the mathematical knowledge for thermal and stress analysis on various parts of the heat exchangers components.

1.        SadikKakac and Hongtan Liu, "Heat Exchangers Selection", Rating and Thermal Design, CRC Press, 2002.
2.        Shah,R. K., Dušan P. Sekulić, "Fundamentals of heat exchanger design", John Wiley & Sons,

1.        Robert  W.  Serth,  "Process  heat  transfer  principles  and  applications",  Academic  press, Elesevier, 2007.
2.        Sarit Kumar Das, "Process heat transfer", Alpha Science International, 2005
3.        John  E.  Hesselgreaves,  "Compact  heat  exchangers:  selection,  design,  and  operation", Elsevier science Ltd, 2001.
4.        Kuppan. T., "Heat exchanger design hand book", New York : Marcel Dekker, 2000.

5.        Eric M. Smith, "Advances in thermal design of heat exchangers: a numerical approach: direct- sizing, step-wise rating, and transients", John Wiley & Sons, 1999.