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MG6863 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

MG6863            ENGINEERING ECONOMICS                        L T  P  C 3 0  0   3
To  enable  students  to  understand  the  fundamental  economic  concepts  applicable  to engineering and to learn the techniques of incorporating inflation factor in economic decision making.

UNIT I             INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS                                                                       8
Introduction to Economics- Flow in an economy, Law of supply and demand, Concept of Engineering Economics – Engineering efficiency, Economic efficiency, Scope of engineering economics - Element of costs, Marginal cost, Marginal Revenue, Sunk cost, Opportunity cost, Break-even analysis - V ratio, Elementary  economic  Analysis  –  Material  selection  for  product  Design  selection  for  a  product, Process planning.

UNIT II            VALUE ENGINEERING                                                                                        10
Make or buy decision, Value engineering – Function, aims, Value engineering procedure. Interest formulae and their applications –Time value of money, Single payment compound amount factor, Single payment present worth factor, Equal payment series sinking fund factor, Equal payment series payment Present worth factor- equal payment series capital recovery factor - Uniform gradient series annual equivalent factor, Effective interest rate, Examples in all the methods.

UNIT III           CASH FLOW                                                                                                             9
Methods of  comparison of  alternatives  – present  worth  method  (Revenue  dominated  cash  flow diagram), Future worth method (Revenue dominated cash flow diagram, cost dominated cash flow diagram), Annual equivalent method (Revenue dominated cash flow diagram, cost dominated cash flow diagram), rate of return method, Examples in all the methods.

UNIT IV          REPLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE ANALYSIS                                          9
Replacement and Maintenance analysis – Types of maintenance, types of replacement problem, determination of economic life of an asset, Replacement of an asset with a new asset – capital
recovery with return and concept of challenger and defender, Simple probabilistic model for items which fail completely.

UNIT V           DEPRECIATION                                                                                                         9
Depreciation- Introduction, Straight line method of depreciation, declining balance method of depreciation-Sum of the years digits method of depreciation, sinking fund method of depreciation/ Annuity method of depreciation, service output method of depreciation-Evaluation of public alternatives- introduction, Examples, Inflation adjusted decisions – procedure to adjust inflation, Examples on comparison of alternatives and determination of economic life of asset.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will acquire the skills to apply the basics of economics and cost analysis to engineering and take economically sound decisions.

1.        Panneer Selvam, R, “Engineering Economics”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi, 2001.

1.        Chan S.Park, “Contemporary Engineering Economics”, Prentice Hall of India, 2011.
2.        Donald.G. Newman, Jerome.P.Lavelle, “Engineering Economics and analysis” Engg. Press, Texas, 2010.
3.        Degarmo, E.P., Sullivan, W.G and Canada, J.R, “Engineering Economy”, Macmillan, New
York, 2011.
4.        Zahid A khan: Engineering Economy, "Engineering Economy", Dorling Kindersley, 2012