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ME6020 VIBRATION AND NOISE CONTROL -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6020                VIBRATION AND NOISE CONTROL             L T  P  C 3 0  0 3
The student will be able to understand the sources of vibration and noise in automobiles  and make design modifications to reduce the vibration and noise and improve the life of the components

UNIT I             BASICS OF VIBRATION                                                                                           9
Introduction, classification of vibration: free and forced vibration, undamped and damped vibration, linear and non linear vibration, response of damped and undamped systems under harmonic force, analysis of single degree and two degree of freedom systems, torsional vibration, determination of natural frequencies.

UNIT II            BASICS OF NOISE                                                                                                     9
Introduction, amplitude, frequency, wavelength and sound pressure level, addition, subtraction and averaging decibel levels, noise dose level, legislation, measurement and analysis of noise, measurement environment, equipment, frequency analysis, tracking analysis, sound quality analysis.

UNIT III           AUTOMOTIVE NOISE SOURCES                                                                             9
Noise  Characteristics  of  engines, engine overall  noise  levels, assessment  of  combustion  noise, assessment of mechanical noise, engine radiated noise, intake and exhaust noise, engine necessary contributed noise, transmission noise, aerodynamic noise, tire noise, brake noise.

UNIT IV          CONTROL TECHNIQUES                                                                                          9
Vibration isolation, tuned absorbers, un-tuned viscous dampers, damping  treatments, application dynamic forces generated by IC engines, engine isolation, crank shaft damping, modal analysis of the mass elastic model shock absorbers.

UNIT V           SOURCE OF NOISE AND CONTROL                                                                      9
Methods  for  control  of  engine  noise,  combustion  noise,  mechanical  noise,  predictive  analysis, palliative treatments and enclosures, automotive noise control principles, sound in enclosures, sound energy absorption, sound transmission through barriers

•           Understanding causes, source and types of vibrations in machineries
•           Gaining knowledge in sources and measurement standard of noise
•           Ability to design and develop vibrations and noise control systems.

1.        Singiresu S.Rao, “Mechanical Vibrations”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2010

1.        Benson H. Tongue, “Principles of Vibrations”, 2nd Edition, Oxford University, 2007
2.        David Bies and Colin Hansen, “Engineering Noise Control – Theory and Practice”,4th Edition, E and FN Spon, Taylore & Francise e-Library, 2009
3.        William  T.  Thomson,  Marie  Dillon  Dahleh,  Chandramouli  Padmanabhan,  “Theory  of
Vibration with Application”, 5th Edition Pearson Education, 2011
4.        Grover. G.T., “Mechanical Vibrations”, Nem Chand and Bros., 1996
5.        Bernard Challen and Rodica Baranescu - “Diesel Engine Reference Book”, Second Edition, SAE International, 1999.
6.        Julian Happian-Smith - “An Introduction to Modern Vehicle Design”- Butterworth-Heinemann,
7.        Rao,  J.S  and  Gupta,  K.,  “Introductory  course  on  Theory  and  Practice  of  Mechanical
Vibration”, 2nd Edition, New Age International Publications, 2010
8.        Shabana. A.A., “Theory of vibrations – An introduction”, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2010
9.        Balakumar Balachandran and Edward B. Magrab, “Fundamentals of Vibrations”, 1st  Editon, Cengage Learning, 2009
10.      John Fenton, “Handbook of Automotive body Construction and Design Analysis – Professional
Engineering Publishing, 1998