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ME6512 THERMAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY – II-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6512        THERMAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY – II           L T  P  C 0 0  3 2
•           To study the heat transfer phenomena predict the relevant coefficient using implementation
•           To study the performance of refrigeration cycle / components


HEAT TRANSFER LAB:                                                                                                                    30
1. Thermal conductivity measurement using guarded plate apparatus.
2. Thermal conductivity measurement of pipe insulation using lagged pipe apparatus.
3. Determination of heat transfer coefficient under natural convection from a vertical cylinder.
4. Determination of heat transfer coefficient under forced convection from a tube.
5. Determination of Thermal conductivity of composite wall.
6. Determination of Thermal conductivity of insulating powder.
7. Heat transfer from pin-fin apparatus (natural & forced convection modes)
8. Determination of Stefan – Boltzmann constant.
9. Determination of emissivity of a grey surface.
10. Effectiveness of Parallel / counter flow heat exchanger.

REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING LAB                                                                          15
1. Determination of COP of a refrigeration system
2. Experiments on Psychrometric processes
3. Performance test on a reciprocating air compressor
4. Performance test in a HC Refrigeration System
5. Performance test in a fluidized Bed Cooling Tower