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ME6021 HYDRAULICS AND PNEUMATICS -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6021                    HYDRAULICS AND PNEUMATICS                          L T  P  C 3   0 0  3

This course will give an appreciation of the fundamental principles, design and operation of hydraulic and pneumatic machines, components and systems and their application in recent automation revolution.

Introduction to Fluid power- Advantages and Applications- Fluid power systems – Types of fluids- Properties of fluids Basics of Hydraulics – Pascal’s Law- Principles of flow – Work, Power and Torque. Properties of air– Perfect Gas Laws.

UNIT II       HYDRAULIC SYSTEM AND COMPONENTS                                                       13
Sources of Hydraulic power: Pumping Theory – Pump Classification- Construction, Working, Design, Advantages, Disadvantages, Performance, Selection criterion of Linear, Rotary- Fixed and Variable displacement pumps, Hydraulic Actuators: Cylinders – Types and construction, Hydraulic motors Control Components: Direction control, Flow control and Pressure control valves- Types, Construction and   Operation-   Applications   –   Types   of   actuation.   Accessories:   Reservoirs,   Accumulators, Intensifiers, Pressure Switches- Applications- Fluid Power ANSI Symbol.

UNIT III       HYDRAULIC CIRCUITS                                                                                            9
Industrial hydraulic circuits- Regenerative, Pump Unloading, Double-pump, Pressure Intensifier, Air- over   oil,   Sequence,   Reciprocation,   Synchronization,   Fail-safe,   Speed   control,   Hydrostatic transmission, Accumulators, Electro hydraulic circuits, Mechanical Hydraulic servo systems.

UNIT IV          PNEUMATIC SYSTEM                                                                                            8
Compressors- Filter, Regulator, Lubricator, Muffler, Air control Valves, Quick Exhaust valves, Pneumatic actuators, Servo systems. Introduction to Fluidics, Pneumatic logic circuits.

UNIT V           DESIGN OF HYDRALIC AND PNEMATIC CIRCUITS                                         12
Design of circuits using the components of hydraulic system for Drilling, Planning, Shaping, Punching, Press. – Selection, fault finding and maintenance of hydraulic components- Sequential circuit design for  simple  application  using  cascade  method,  Electro  pneumatic  circuits.  Selection  criteria  of pneumatic components – Installation fault finding and maintenance of pneumatic components. Microprocessor and PLC- Applications in Hydraulic and Pneumatics- Low cost Automation – Hydraulic and Pneumatic power packs.

•      Identify hydraulic and pneumatics components.
•      Ability to design hydraulic and pneumatic circuits.


1.    Anthony Esposito,” Fluid Power with Applications”, PHI / Pearson Education, 2005.

1.  Shanmugasundaram.K, “Hydraulic and Pneumatic controls”, Chand & Co, 2006.
2.  Majumdar, S.R., “Oil Hydraulics Systems- Principles and Maintenance”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
3.  Majumdar, S.R., “Pneumatic Systems – Principles and Maintenance”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
4.  Micheal J, Pinches and Ashby, J.G., “Power Hydraulics”, Prentice Hall, 1989.
5.  Dudelyt, A Pease and John J Pippenger, “Basic Fluid Power”, Prentice Hall, 1987.
6.  Srinivasan. R, "Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control", IInd  Edition, Tata McGraw - Hill Education,