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ME6511 DYNAMICS LABORATORY-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6511             DYNAMICS LABORATORY                      L  T  P  C 0   0   3 2
•          To supplement the principles learnt in kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery.
•          To understand how certain measuring devices are used for dynamic testing.

1. a) Study of gear parameters.
b) Experimental study of velocity ratios of simple, compound, Epicyclic and differential gear trains.
2. a) Kinematics of Four Bar, Slider Crank, Crank Rocker, Double crank, Double rocker, Oscillating cylinder Mechanisms.
b) Kinematics of single and double universal joints.
3. a) Determination of Mass moment of inertia of Fly wheel and Axle system.
b) Determination of Mass Moment of Inertia of axisymmetric bodies using Turn Table apparatus. c) Determination of Mass Moment of Inertia using bifilar suspension and compound
4. Motorized gyroscope – Study of gyroscopic effect and couple.
5. Governor - Determination of range sensitivity, effort etc., for Watts, Porter, Proell, and
Hartnell Governors.
6. Cams – Cam profile drawing, Motion curves and study of jump phenomenon
7. a) Single degree of freedom Spring Mass System – Determination of natural
Frequency and verification of Laws of springs – Damping coefficient determination.
b) Multi degree freedom suspension system – Determination of influence coefficient.
8. a) Determination of torsional natural frequency of single and Double Rotor systems.- Undamped and Damped Natural frequencies.
b) Vibration Absorber – Tuned vibration absorber.
9. Vibration of Equivalent Spring mass system – undamped and damped vibration.
10. Whirling of shafts – Determination of critical speeds of shafts with concentrated loads.
11. a) Balancing of rotating masses. (b) Balancing of reciprocating masses.
12. a) Transverse vibration of Free-Free beam – with and without concentrated masses. b) Forced Vibration of Cantilever beam – Mode shapes and natural frequencies.
c) Determination of transmissibility ratio using vibrating table.



•           Ability to demonstrate the principles of kinematics and dynamics of machinery
•           Ability to use the measuring devices for dynamic testing.