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ME6013 DESIGN OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6013            DESIGN OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING                 L T  P  C 3 0  0 3
•           To understand the Mathematical knowledge to design pressure vessels and piping
•           To understand the ability to carry of stress analysis in pressure vessels and piping

UNIT I             INTRODUCTION                                                                                                         3
Methods for determining stresses – Terminology and Ligament Efficiency – Applications.

UNIT II            STRESSES IN PRESSURE VESSELS                                                                     15
Introduction – Stresses in a circular ring, cylinder –Dilation of pressure vessels, Membrane stress Analysis of Vessel – Cylindrical, spherical and, conical heads – Thermal Stresses – Discontinuity stresses in pressure vessels.

UNIT III           DESIGN OF VESSELS                                                                                              15
Design of Tall cylindrical self supporting process columns – Supports for short vertical vessels – Stress concentration at a variable Thickness transition section in a cylindrical vessel, about a circular hole, elliptical openings. Theory of Reinforcement – Pressure Vessel Design.

UNIT IV          BUCKLING AND FRACTURE ANALYSIS IN VESSELS                                       8
Buckling phenomenon – Elastic Buckling of circular ring and cylinders under external pressure – collapse of thick walled cylinders or tubes under external pressure – Effect of supports on Elastic Buckling of Cylinders – Buckling under combined External pressure and axial loading.

UNIT V           PIPING                                                                                                                         4
Introduction – Flow diagram – piping layout and piping stress Analysis.



Upon completion of this course, the students can able to apply the mathematical fundamental for the design of pressure vessels and pipes. Further they can able to analyse and design of pressure vessels and piping.

1.        John   F.   Harvey,   "Theory   and   Design   of   Pressure   Vessels",   CBS   Publishers   and


1.        Henry H. Bedner, “Pressure Vessels, Design Hand Book", CBS publishers and Distributors,
2.        Stanley, M. Wales, “Chemical process equipment, selection and Design". Buterworths series
in Chemical Engineering, 1988.
3.        William. J., Bees, “Approximate Methods in the Design and Analysis of Pressure Vessels and
Piping”, Pre ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 1997.
4.        Sam Kannapan, “Introduction to Pipe Stress Analysis”. John Wiley and Sons, 1985.