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CE6019 INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

CE6019               INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES                                    L T P C 3 0 0 3

This course deals with some of the special aspects with respect to Civil Engineering structures in industries.

UNIT I             PLANNING                                                                                                               9
Classification  of industries  and industrial structures  –  General requirements of various industries
– Planning and layout of buildings and components.

UNIT II            FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS                                                                            9
Lighting – Ventilation - Acoustics – Fire safety – Guidelines from factories act.

UNIT III           DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES                                                                        9
Industrial roofs – Crane girders – Mills buildings – Bunkers and Silos - Chimney.

UNIT IV          DESIGN OF R.C. STRUCTURES                                                                            9
Corbels, Brackets and Nibs - Silos and bunkers –Chimney - Principles of folded plates and shell roofs

UNIT V           PREFABRICATION                                                                                                    9
Principles of prefabrication – Prestressed precast roof trusses - Construction of roof and floor slabs
- Wall panels.

At the end of this course the student shall be able to design some of the structures used in industries.

1.   Ramamrutham.S., "Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures", Dhanpat Rai Publishing
Company, 2007.
2.  Varghese.P.C.,  " Limit  State  Design  of  Reinforced  Concrete",  Prentice Hall of India
Eastern Economy Editions, 2nd Edition, 2003.
3.  Bhavikatti.S.S.,   " Design   of   Steel   Structures",   J.K.   International   Publishing   House
Pvt.Ltd., 2009.

1.  Henn W. "Buildings for Industry", Vol.I and II, London Hill Books, 1995
2.  SP32-1986,  Handbook  on  Functional  Requirements  of  Industrial  buildings,  Bureau  of
Indian Standards, 1990
3.  Structural Engineering Research Centre,Course Notes on Modern Developments in the
Design and Construction of Industrial Structures, Madras, 1982
4.  Koncz.J., "Manual of Precast Construction", Vol.I and II, Bauverlay GMBH, 1971.