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ME6702 MECHATRONICS-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

ME6702            MECHATRONICS                              L T  P  C 3   0 0  3
To impart knowledge about the elements and techniques involved in Mechatronics systems which are very much essential to understand the emerging field of automation.

UNIT I             INTRODUCTION                                                                                                   12
Introduction to Mechatronics – Systems – Concepts of Mechatronics approach – Need for Mechatronics –  Emerging  areas  of  Mechatronics  –  Classification  of  Mechatronics.  Sensors  and Transducers: Static and dynamic Characteristics of Sensor, Potentiometers – LVDT – Capacitance sensors – Strain gauges – Eddy current sensor – Hall effect sensor – Temperature sensors – Light sensors

UNIT II      8085 MICROPROCESSOR AND 8051 MICROCONTROLLER                                  10
Introduction – Architecture of 8085 – Pin Configuration – Addressing Modes –Instruction set, Timing diagram of 8085 – Concepts of 8051 microcontroller – Block diagram,.

UNIT III     PROGRAMMABLE PERIPHERAL INTERFACE                                                         8
Introduction – Architecture of 8255, Keyboard interfacing, LED display –interfacing, ADC and DAC
interface, Temperature Control – Stepper Motor Control – Traffic Control interface.

UNIT IV     PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER                                                                  7
Introduction – Basic structure – Input and output processing – Programming – Mnemonics – Timers, counters and internal relays – Data handling – Selection of PLC.

UNIT V    ACTUATORS AND MECHATRONIC SYSTEM DESIGN                                             8
Types of Stepper and Servo motors – Construction – Working Principle – Advantages and Disadvantages. Design process-stages of design process – Traditional and Mechatronics design concepts – Case studies of Mechatronics systems – Pick and place Robot – Engine Management system – Automatic car park barrier.



Upon completion of this course, the students can able to design mechatronics system with the help of Microprocessor, PLC and other electrical and Electronics Circuits.

1.        Bolton, “Mechatronics”, Printice Hall, 2008
2.        Ramesh S Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the
8085”, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008.

1.        Michael B.Histand and Davis G.Alciatore, “Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement systems”, McGraw Hill International edition, 2007.
2.        Bradley D.A, Dawson D, Buru N.C and Loader A.J, “Mechatronics”, Chapman and Hall, 1993.
3.        Smaili.A and Mrad.F , “Mechatronics Integrated Technologies for Intelligent Machines”, Oxford
University Press, 2007.
4.        Devadas  Shetty  and  Richard  A.  Kolk,  “Mechatronics  Systems  Design”,  PWS  publishing company, 2007.
5.        Krishna Kant, “Microprocessors & Microcontrollers”, Prentice Hall of India, 2007.
6.        Clarence W, de Silva, "Mechatronics" CRC Press, First Indian Re-print, 2013