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GE6563 COMMUNICATION SKILLS – LABORATORY BASED-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

To  provide opportunities to learners to practice their communicative  skills to  make  them become proficient users of English.
To enable learners to fine-tune their linguistic skills (LSRW) with the help of technology to communicate globally.
To enhance the performance of learners at placement interviews and group discussions and other recruitment procedures.

UNIT I             LISTENING / VIEWING                                                                                           10
Listening and note-taking – Listening to telephonic conversations – Ted talks – Inspiring Speeches – Watching documentaries on personalities, places, socio-cultural events, TV news programmes and discussions to answer different kinds questions, viz., identifying key idea and comprehension questions… so on.

UNIT  II           SPEAKING                                                                                                                12
Conversation practice – Interview – Group Discussion – Introducing oneself and others – Role play – Debate – Presentation – Panel discussion – Neutral accent.

UNIT III            READING                                                                                                                10
Different genres of text (literature, media, technical) for comprehension – Reading strategies like note- making – reading graphs, charts and graphic organizer – Sequencing sentences – reading online sources like e-books, e-journals and e-newspapers.

UNIT IV           WRITING                                                                                                                   12
Blogs – Tweets – Online resume/ – e-mails – SMS and Online texting – Report writing – Describing charts and tables – Writing for media on current events.
UNIT V           VOCABULARY                                                                                                            8
Idioms and Phrases – Proverbs – Collocations – Chunks of language.

UNIT VI          GRAMMAR                                                                                                                  8
Sentence structures – Subject-Verb agreement – Pronoun-Antecedent agreement – Tense forms – Active and passive voices – Direct and Indirect speeches – Cohesive devices.

Teaching Methods:


1.        To be totally learner-centric with minimum teacher intervention as the course   revolves around practice.
2.        Suitable audio/video samples from Podcast/YouTube to be used for illustrative purposes.
3.        Portfolio approach for writing to be followed. Learners are to be encouraged to blog, tweet, text
and email employing appropriate language.
4.        GD/Interview/Role Play/Debate could be conducted off the laboratory (in a regular classroom)
but learners are to be exposed to telephonic interview and video conferencing.
5.        Learners are to be assigned to read/write/listen/view materials outside the classroom as well
for graining proficiency and better participation in the class