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EE6404 MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

 EE6404         MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION                       L T  P C 3 0  0 3
•    To introduce the basic functional elements of instrumentation
•    To introduce the fundamentals of electrical and electronic instruments
•    To educate on the comparison between various measurement techniques
•    To introduce various storage and display devices
•    To introduce various transducers and the data acquisition systems

UNIT I           INTRODUCTION                                                                                                           9
Functional elements of an instrument – Static and dynamic characteristics – Errors in measurement – Statistical evaluation of measurement data – Standards and calibration.

UNIT II          ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENTS                                             9
Principle and types of analog and digital voltmeters, ammeters, multimeters – Single and three phase wattmeters and energy meters – Magnetic measurements – Determination of B-H curve and measurements of iron loss – Instrument transformers – Instruments for measurement of frequency and phase.

UNIT III         COMPARISON METHODS OF MEASUREMENTS                                                  9
D.C & A.C potentiometers, D.C & A.C bridges, transformer ratio bridges, self-balancing bridges. Interference & screening – Multiple earth and earth loops - Electrostatic and electromagnetic interference – Grounding techniques.

UNIT IV        STORAGE AND DISPLAY DEVICES                                                                         9
Magnetic disk and tape – Recorders, digital plotters and printers, CRT display, digital CRO, LED, LCD
& dot matrix display – Data Loggers.

UNIT V         TRANSDUCERS AND DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS                                         9
Classification  of  transducers  –  Selection  of  transducers  –  Resistive,  capacitive  &  inductive transducers – Piezoelectric, Hall effect, optical and digital transducers – Elements of data acquisition system – A/D, D/A converters – Smart sensors.

•    Ability to model and analyze electrical apparatus and their application to power system

1.  A.K. Sawhney, ‘A Course in Electrical & Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation’, Dhanpat Rai and Co, 2004.
2.  J. B. Gupta, ‘A Course in Electronic and Electrical Measurements’, S. K. Kataria & Sons, Delhi,
3.  Doebelin E.O. and Manik D.N., Measurement Systems – Applications and Design, Special Indian
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2007.

1.  H.S. Kalsi, ‘Electronic Instrumentation’, Tata McGraw Hill, II Edition 2004.
2.  D.V.S. Moorthy, ‘Transducers and Instrumentation’, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 2007.
3.  A.J. Bouwens, ‘Digital Instrumentation’, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.
4.  Martin Reissland, ‘Electrical Measurements’, New Age International (P) Ltd., Delhi, 2001.
5.  Alan. S. Morris, Principles of Measurements and Instrumentation, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.