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EE6411 ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORY – I-Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6411         ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORY – I           L T P C 0 0 3 2
To expose the students to the operation of D.C. machines and transformers and give them experimental skill.


1. Open circuit and load characteristics of  DC shunt generator- critical resistance and critical speed.
2. Load characteristics of DC compound generator with differential and cumulative
3. Load test on DC shunt and compound motor.
4. Load test on DC series motor.
5. Swinburne’s test and speed control of DC shunt motor.
6.  Hopkinson’s test on DC motor – generator set.
7. Load test on single-phase transformer and three phase transformers.
8. Open circuit and short circuit tests on single phase transformer.
9. Polarity Test and Sumpner’s test on single phase  transformers.
10.Separation of no-load losses in single phase transformer.
11.Study of starters and 3-phase transformers connections