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EE6302 ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY -Anna University(Free Download Notes)

EE6302                                      ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY                     L T P C 3 1 0 4

•      To introduce the basic mathematical concepts related to electromagnetic vector fields
To impart knowledge on the concepts of  electrostatics, electrical potential, energy density and their applications.
To impart knowledge on the concepts of magnetostatics, magnetic flux density, scalar and vector potential and its applications.
•      To impart knowledge on the concepts of Faraday’s law, induced emf and Maxwell’s equations
•      To impart knowledge on the concepts of Concepts of electromagnetic waves and Pointing vector.

UNIT I             ELECTROSTATICS – I                                                                                              9
Sources and  effects of  electromagnetic fields –  Coordinate  Systems –  Vector fields  –Gradient, Divergence, Curl – theorems and applications - Coulomb’s Law – Electric field intensity – Field due to discrete and continuous charges – Gauss’s law and applications.

UNIT II             ELECTROSTATICS – II                                                                                             9
Electric potential – Electric field and equipotential plots, Uniform and Non-Uniform field, Utilization factor  –  Electric  field  in free  space,  conductors,  dielectrics  -  Dielectric  polarization  -  Dielectric strength  -  Electric  field  in  multiple  dielectrics  –  Boundary  conditions,  Poisson’s  and  Laplace’s equations, Capacitance, Energy density, Applications.

UNIT III            MAGNETOSTATICS                                                                                                 9
Lorentz force, magnetic field intensity (H) – Biot–Savart’s Law - Ampere’s Circuit Law – H due to straight conductors, circular loop, infinite sheet of current, Magnetic flux density (B) – B in free space, conductor, magnetic materials – Magnetization, Magnetic field in multiple media – Boundary conditions, scalar and vector potential, Poisson’s Equation, Magnetic force, Torque, Inductance, Energy density, Applications.

UNIT IV           ELECTRODYNAMIC FIELDS                                                                                   9
Magnetic  Circuits  -  Faraday’s  law  –  Transformer  and  motional  EMF  –  Displacement  current  - Maxwell’s equations (differential and integral form) – Relation between field theory and circuit theory – Applications.

UNIT V           ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES                                                                                  9
Electromagnetic wave generation and equations – Wave parameters; velocity, intrinsic impedance, propagation constant – Waves in free space, lossy and lossless dielectrics, conductors- skin depth - Poynting vector – Plane wave reflection and refraction – Standing Wave – Applications.


TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS

Ability to understand and apply basic science, circuit theory, Electro-magnetic field theory control theory and apply them to electrical engineering problems.

1.    Mathew N. O. Sadiku, ‘Principles of Electromagnetics’, 4 th Edition ,Oxford University Press Inc.
First India edition, 2009.
2.    Ashutosh Pramanik, ‘Electromagnetism – Theory and Applications’, PHI Learning Private
Limited, New Delhi, Second Edition-2009.
3.    K.A. Gangadhar, P.M. Ramanthan ‘ Electromagnetic Field Theory (including Antennaes and wave propagation’, 16th Edition, Khanna Publications, 2007.

1.    Joseph. A.Edminister, ‘Schaum’s Outline of Electromagnetics, Third Edition (Schaum’s Outline
Series), Tata McGraw Hill, 2010
2.    William H. Hayt and John A. Buck, ‘Engineering Electromagnetics’, Tata McGraw Hill 8th
Revised edition, 2011.
3.    Kraus and Fleish, ‘Electromagnetics with Applications’, McGraw Hill International Editions, Fifth
Edition, 2010.
4.    Bhag Singh Guru and Hüseyin R. Hiziroglu “Electromagnetic field theory Fundamentals”, Cambridge University Press; Second Revised Edition, 2009.