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Finite Element Analyses

Finite Element Formulation of Boundary Value Problems
Fundamental Concepts of Engineering analysis
The analyst needs certain requirements while designing and assembling the parts of the product. Those requirements are mentioned below.
To calculate,
A.      Displacement at certain points
B.      Stress distribution
C.      Natural frequencies
D.      Critical buckling loads
E.       Vibrations
F.       Pressure, Velocity  and temperature distribution
G.     Crack growth, residual strength and fatigue life.
Methods of Engineering Analysis
There are three different approaches to achieve the above mentioned objectives. They are
1.       Experimental methods
2.       Analytical methods
3.       Numerical methods or approximate methods

1.Experimental Methods
In this methods, prototypes can be used. If we want to change the dimensions of the prototype, we have to diassemble the entire prototype and reassemble it and then testing should be carried out. It needs man power and materials. So, it is time consuming and costly process.

2. Analytical Methods or Theoretical Analysis
In these methods, problems are expressed by mathematical differential equations. It gives quick and closed form soluitions. It is used only for simple geometries and idealized support and loading conditions.

3.Numerical Methods
Analytical solutions can be obtained only for certain simplified situations. For problems involving complex material properties and boundary conditions, the engineer prefers numerical methods that gives approximate but acceptable solutions.